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Going green in this age




Back in the day, going green sounded too 'ordinary' but as we speak many folks are embracing the idea. it has taken the dimension being environmentally aware and making choices that are earthly responsible.

I realized even recycling grass has its benefits. After mowing your grass, cut it into a few inches and leave the clippings in the lawn. This way, you won't have to water the lawn that much plus the clippings make good organic fertilizer.

Just a thought, what do you think?




Back when I was in the elementary, we were taught how to cultivate plots and plant vegetables. We would later bring home the vegetables we planted. As early as those days, we were taught to bury deep down in the plot the fallen leaves of vegetables. The object was to let the soil reabsorb the nitrogen and minimize costs on fertilizers.

We were also taught how to make compost pits. In high school, a very avid teacher even required us to have a compost pit at home. At the end of the school year, he literally went around to check who did the assignment. Again, the motivation was to save on costs.

The ideal of recycling things within the farm was already implanted. This was when in the early 70s. There was no "green" movement then.

The one thing, it seems, that has changed from then to now is the motivation: from saving costs to saving Costs, in capital "C." The Cost is the Planet Earth itself.

I get this feeling that the "green" things we talk about is simply a wake up call that everything "instant" has its repercussions. You see, urea works faster than compost. Insecticides and pesticides work faster than developing an organic environment. Driving a car is faster than riding a horse.

What the "green" movement is hammering into our collective consciousness is the need to include in all our calculations all those things that we usually take for granted as inexhaustible: earth, wind, air and fire. We are in the age of realizing that there is an edge somewhere in the horizon where the entire earth can actually fall to oblivion if we are not careful.




True Adan, but is it not human nature to wait until the last minute, when all we can rescue is the little bit of conscience left? The Green Movement has grown through the years. Basically what you were taught to do is pretty much what was passed down to me.

We need to be aware that our actions will determine how long that important layer lasts.




Great post Adan. There's definitely something attractive about living a more self sustaining lifestyle and embracing some of the 'slow' movement philosophies. Perhaps humans are selfish by nature but there are many people who overcome this and are doing something about it.




Native peoples always understood and abided by the principle of "sustainability" and respect for the earth. I think the entry of money into the picture is what corrupted things. "Money" was foriegn to them.




I like your post Adan, looks well thought and inspiration plus a reawakening call. I agree the natives cared about the environment but then we are responsible for letting money corrupt our minds, or are we not?




We are indeed in the midst of the 'get green and live green' era, but we are also still learning what exactly that means. There is a lot more to be done.




I agree. There's a lot more that needs to happen for society in general to move from "talking the talk" to "walking the walk". I hope I live to see the day when the shift occurs.




Nice thread :) Movies like "An Inconvenient Truth" and "The Day After Tomorrow" are scary, yeah? The two movies are almost like the work of one man. Have you seen them?
