Gas Filter(?)


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The carb is made in China like every thing else in the Hyper greedy USA
Briggs have a quality control team that tests them all so they should be perfect out of the box
Guess where the rejects bought for scrap metal price end up ?


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Plus China steals designs and make them too. They actually seeing the design so they can clone them.

Plus everything not made in China. There other countries doing the same thing and getting fairly rich off the unsuspecting public. But I can say that the communist are the worst at stealing amony other things.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
China does not "Steal" anything other than data & the personal information of politicans & business leaders for blackmail purposes.
Which puts them in the same boat as the CIA, FBI, & our ASIO & ACIS
US citizens give them US patiented designs and ask them to copy them
Chinese patient laws puts patient responsibility on the orderer not the manufacturer
So if you brought the lattest B & S engine to a factory in China with the instruction to make 10,000 as per sample the patient infringement lies with you not the factory
So all of the copies of US patiented goods were done at the request of a greedy US businessman not a sneaky Chinese spy so the criminals are Lowes, Walmart , Harbour Freight and similar stores .
Tooling up is expensive and China was short of money so they set up the laws this way knowing that whatever they made for the dishonest USA ( and Australian ) thieves would be sold .
Once they have the designs then they can sell the same products to others if made to order without a breech of Chinese law
If they made the product then exported it themselves then they would be in breech of Chinese Law and the Party have a habit of enforcing that law by firing squads .
When your aim is to become very rich & destroy the economies off all of your enemies ( the entire West World ) then the last thing you want is to have competition driving down prices before you have become dominant in the manufacture of every thing that is made on the planet.
The Chinese made Kohler Courage engines are substantially better design & of higher quality than the USA made Courage engines as they have a forged crank as per the original design .
Because the majority share holders in just about every public company are pension funds, hedge funds & investment funds they are now in a situation to dictate to the boards what the dividends will be ( the exact opposite of what was supposed to happen ) so large companies have no option other than to purchase from the rock bottom supplier which in most cases is China and to a board member, making a decision that will put a million or more US citizens out of work while guaranteeing another term ( thus another $ 3,000,000 + in fees & bonuses ) is a no brainer .
This is why on average the quality of life & life expectancy for the average USA citizen is dropping and has been doing this since the Regian administration.
IT will not change because the top 10 % are becoming wealthy beyond their greedy imaginations while the bottom 60% are getting poorer by the day and the middle 30% aspire to join the top 10 so won't rock the boat .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Well Bert it still seems like thief when the plans get out the manufactures' hands into cloners' hands without their knowledge. Probably why so many clones are not update design wise.

I know I got a few custom clutch tools here that I will not even show my customers as I haven't patent them yet. Only my machinist know about them and he has retired. Even then I gave him only the basic design and not the finish design work.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Various Presidents & down here Prime Ministers intonate that the nasty communist Chinese are stealing because they need to carry favour with the real criminals for party funding .
Much worse in the US because your election cycle is way too short at 2 years where as we have 4 year terms for reps & 8 for senate which even then is too short with 1/2 the senate elected at each reps election which keeps the lunatic fringe out of the senate but of course also favours the bigger parties
Not perfect as the woman many overseas think is the Australian Prime Minister, Pauline Hansen has managed to get elected by the zenophobic racist right for tha past 15 years