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Front Guide wheel




Just joined today but want to show my front guide wheel I made up for my 54 inch Hustler zero turn.
I have had the mower only a year but I was having trouble with a few areas in my yard and ditches that I mow (about 4 1/2 acres). On the side hills and steep ditches the rear of the mower will want to slide downhill as the traction differences between the two rear drive wheels breaks loose that results in gravity pulling the mower down the slope. By installing a wheel at the front between the caster wheels I can push on a pedal to make firm contact with the ground to guide the front of the mower straight.

This wheel is fixed in a straight ahead position and will not turn and simply guides the front of the mower and helps equal out rear wheel traction differences. On a side slope, the bottom wheel speed must be greater than the top side wheel. On greater slopes, at times the top wheel is almost at a stop and simply dragging along while the bottom wheel is turning at full speed to keep the front caster wheels going forward. Sometimes the traction differences are too great and all traction is lost to keep a straight ahead direction going. The wheel I used is just a plastic wheel I had and it probably won't last long so I'll keep an eye out for a more rigid steel wheel that will resist the side loading.





Nice work. That almost looks factory. :smile:

