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Frogs Driving Me Mad




We have a small koi pond in our backyard garden. Well, we have been invaded by frogs. I don't mind one or two but these guys are reproducing like mad. How can I manage to catch all of the little ones and get rid of them? I don't want to kill them but I don't want their company either. At night it sounds like a rain forest!




It sounds like Kermit would like your place :smile::smile:... KennyV




Personally I like to sound of frogs at night. There's nothing better to put you asleep. :smile: Anyway I guess the best way to control them would be to catch the tadpoles with a net? Of course this would have to be done when the tadpoles are small since the bigger they get the faster they get. Better yet would be to find the egg nest before the tadpoles even hatch. It looks like a slimy blob.




I have a problem with toads so I feel your pain. Try getting more koi and they will eat the little ones at least my koi ate most of the little toads :licking:. Mother Nature will take care of the problem trust me.




Well, it is a problem. Have you thought about developing a taste for frog legs? :eek::laughing: Seriously though, unless you get more big koi or a garter snake or two, I wouildn't know what else to do.




Actually, I don't mind the croaking and chirping as much as I mind running over one with the rider. They are not great to look at when they've been sliced and diced. Frog legs-EWWWWWW!




I have a pond and tied some koi after a few days they would die after about 5 attempts the guy at the pet store asked about frogs I had about 13 frogs in the pond he said that the slime on the frogs skin was poisnious to koi, but not to regular gold fish I have one goldfish that has been in the pond for 10 years .




I didn't know that frogs were dangerous to koi! I know that toads have a poison on their skin as a defense but wasn't aware of frogs. Hmm Learn something new everyday I guess. The frogs go to the pond to mate and the trilling is their mating calls. They should leave after they mate but then you have to deal with all the tadpoles, which the fish should take care of.




We have a pool, and we used to have frogs constantly. I mean, summertime meant frogs. Several years ago, they just stopped coming. My hunch is that's a bad thing. In the last few years, we've had just a handful.

Because we have dogs, when we found frogs in the pool, we'd put them as close to the fence as we could. Sometimes, we'd share the love with our neighbors. :}
