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Frankenstein project in progress model 20470 super recycler




So i started off with a 1988 Toro 21" model 20622 and ended up getting frustrated with that stupid Minuki carb. Long story short, i love the look and details of the older Toro's so i stripped the 20622 with parts and pieces i liked and transferred them to another Toro i had laying around. The 20470 is a 1997 super recycler i believe with a 6hp motor. I like the mulching capabilities of this mower, i just hate the look of the motor. It seems to sit really tall on the deck. Anyways i transferred the handle and control panel so far and i think it looks great! I plan on getting commercial tires and a commercial gas tank. Of course its not a commercial model but that doesn't mean i can't make it look like one lol I am also putting a fresh coat of black on the plastic parts. The red on the deck is still good and will clean up nice. I can't wait to see how it looks when i am done with it. Thanks for looking and i will keep updating this thread until i am finished with it.

This is the 20470 stock


And this is the transformation so far :cool:

