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Flatlander blower housing, anybody




So ole Roost has a 05 flatlander w a kohler command pro 27. It has the hydro fluid cooler mounted on top of blower housing, the brackets worked loose awhile back, I noticed it but also noticed whatta bytch it was gonna be to get off. So I had a coil goin bad and decided it was time to do the deal, bought the new upgrade kit. Going back with it now this housing is F'd, the built in lugs are spinning and one had torn completely out. You wouldnt think it would be a big deal, stainless flat washers and aviation nuts under the cowl will work good. The only problem is that bracket has to be the last thing mounted, meaning the cowl is already bolted down. Of coarse they have been discontinued for awhile, anybody got one layin around. If I cant find one I'm gonna have to gen some kinda bracket and tackbweld to the frame somewhere back there. Just wondering has anybody been through this mudhole....Roost
