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Fescue Stopped Growing After Fungicide Treatment??




So I have had fescue in my front yard for 9yrs now and it always looks great from early spring until mid July which is when the dreaded brown patch starts to set in. I always just assumed that this was due to the hot humid summers here in the Memphis area. Then I started reading about how fungicide treatments starting in spring and throughout the summer will prevent the brown patch. So I called up my lawn care company and told them to apply fungicide to my fescue when they come to fertilize the bermuda. About a day or two after the treatment, we had three days of rain so it should have been watered in real nice like. That was on May 20th and absolutely none of my fescue is growing! It's been 24 days and we have had several more bouts of rain in that time... still nothing. The temperature in Memphis dropped back down into the mid 70's & 50's this past weekend. Perfect fescue growing temps and yet nothing.

Has anyone else ever had this happen? Typically this time of year my lawn looks like green carpet! Now it just looks like it's dying!
