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bermuda grass




Hi everyone i have a major problem with bermuda grass in my yard i had this problem about 10 years ago i sprayed my whole yard with round up and started over my lawn is kentucky blue grass and fescue is there any method of getting rid of it other than spraying it and starting over thanks.




Hi everyone i have a major problem with bermuda grass in my yard i had this problem about 10 years ago i sprayed my whole yard with round up and started over my lawn is kentucky blue grass and fescue is there any method of getting rid of it other than spraying it and starting over thanks.
Bermuda grass is very tough to eradicate, if you see it as a pest then total eradication is the only way. If you leave any behind or even if you don't it will become a problem again. Depending on your circumstances it may be a fight you really can't win.
I have bermuda grass and I decided to propgate it and make it a lawn, rather than fight it. It's a pretty good grass all things considered at least in my geography.
Repeated spraying with a non selective herbicide(round-up) is the only choice that I know of. Before you go that route try to determine how it got in your yard in the first place. If it is prolific on neighboring properties then you will be stressing over this for as long as you live there.




thanks for the advice i can't really figure out how it get's in my yard i have hay fields next to my yard no neighbors withen 1000 yards of my yard and i think your right when you say i might be fighten a lossen battle it just makes my yard look so bad.




What kind of grass in the hayfields?




What kind of grass in the hayfields?

Bermuda makes great hay... My horse loved it... :smile:KennyV




my hay fields are orchard grass and clover the bermuda cannot survive in the hay it grows to high and smuthers out the bermuda.




Might have to start over and till this up.:frown:
Do you have a tractor and tiller to make this easier? Might be a good time to fix any drainage issues, install sprinklers and so on. I add about 80 to 100 lbs of seed per acre each year to keep the fescue thick. Might be worth researching to find what you could add that is more attractive for fescue than bermuda. Give the fescue a leg up.

Here is a pic of my Fescue lawn at one year old.




There is said to be an organic way of getting rid of the same. Spray the grass with 10% vinegar, preferably on a warm or sunny day, then after a few days, use a sod cutter to remove the grass.




When the big one goes off, there will be two survivors. The Cockroaches and the Bermuda grass. Good luck getting rid of it. I've been fighting it in one of my beds for about 5 years. Just when I think I have it eradicated, I find out it was just resting for the next round. :laughing:
