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Any Sparten owners out there




Looking for my first zero turn mower.........was considering Cub Cadet. But went by a dealer last week who has around 15 Spartens out front..........wow. On the outside, they look fantastic. Need to hear from someone who has one. With it being new and unproven need to hear your opinions. Thanks for all of your help!




By and large prople come here looking for help repairing their deceased mowers or asking for advice on which mower to buy.
Once obtaining this information they leave, never to be heard from again unless some one dredges up their old thread which sends an email to them assuming they have the same email address.

For strait product reviews a general consumer product review site would be more useful.
We have several down here, called "product review" , "Whirlpool" & "not good enough" so the USA must have them as well.
Just remember most people will scream from the roof tops if something did not meet their expectations but rarely raise a whisper it it exceeded them.



Darryl G

I've researched them a bit and they have a lot going for them. From what I've seen complaints are few and far between and accolades are plentiful. I'd love to check them out but no dealers in my area yet.

But yeah, you won't likely get much of a response here. There are a number of YouTube video reviews and some informational ones by the manufacturer.

Edit: I was just browsing YouTube a bit and in one of them a dealer service tech mentioned issues with the deck height system and it not holding where it's supposed to. Here's a video from the manufacturer regarding it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2XgqTaOe94

Here's the dealer tech. He also mentioned the tank not venting well. You learn a lot more from them than a review by a consumer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GigepMJrRQQ
