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318 Hydraulic Fluid




I'm changing the fluid on my 318. Operator's Manual says Ford Type F, Technical Manual says JD HyGard. Last time I did fluid on my old 314 called for Type F and it was red. The HyGard I just put in my Z925 is not red. The fluid I drained from my 318 is red, so it is probably Type F. But Deere sells red dye for the HyGard to make it easier to see in the sight glass, and the local mechanic says they typically add the dye at the factory to make it easier to spot leaks. The hour meter says 430, which is claimed to be correct, the drained fluid is dark red, so it could be the original fluid, meaning it could be Type F or dyed HyGard. Any thoughts? This is the point where I get accused of overthinking it, and I should just throw in Type F and move on, but the older I get the more I obsess over stuff like this.



mechanic mark
