1987 grasshopper 1212


Forum Newbie
May 29, 2020
1987 grasshopper 1212 mower with a kohler magnum 12 was using mower got up to get a branch forgot to shut pto off engine backfired now wont crank thought starter was bad got new started still no crank I think its something with the drive motors? As ive tried to push mower after turning dump valve and i can not move mower can not get motor to turn at all please any help is greatly appreciated im new to the grasshopper


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2018
My only GH experience is with my 930D, first and only GH I have owned. But sounds as if you ought to first be certain you truly have it in neutral. And by that I mean looking at linkage to affirm it is moving the hydro lever or if dual hydro pumps, both levers. (I don't know configuration for your model) You say doesn't crank. Does that mean engine seems to be seized? If so, I'd remove drive belt or belts to hydro pump or pumps, and loosen belt to PTO and then try engine. If it still seems to be seized it is likely to be internal engine trouble. If it cranks freely, then trouble may be in hydrodrive or linkage. In event it points toward engine, remove spark plugs and pour in some penetrating oil like Marvel, etc. Let sit overnnight, try to crank again with sparkplugs removed.

Deron Jurgensen

Forum Newbie
Jul 12, 2020
I have that exact model, my father purchased the mower new. Make sure that the steering levers are open and that the mower/pto drive lever is disengaged-down. Mower will not start if those conditions are not met. If mower still doesn’t start I would suspect the switches on the Steering levers or the pto drive lever are not functioning correctly. I have never had a problem with any of the switches, but have forgotten to return the levers to the proper spot and it has sometimes taken me more time to figure out what was wrong than it should have.