Grass Replacement Pricing


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
I have about a 1/3 acre piece of property. Was wondering what are the estimated costs to have the grass ripped up and replaced. I don't know which type of grass I would replace it with yet, but I don't have sprinklers and I live in Miami which is very hot and has a dry winter season.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
shureguy, I guess we are about as far apart as possible geographically. For what it's worth: My 1/3 acre is my front yard over a septic drain field. Ten years ago it was very good grass, but I did not care for it properly and it slowly went downhill, dying completely out 2 yrs ago and is now moss, "swamp grass" (my name and would live with it if it filled in), and red sorrel weeds. I got a soil lab report that the Ph is 4.9 and have doctored with lime. After trying for 2 years I finally got a landscape person to bid a new lawn. (angies list no help)

The first bid was $7000 which was twice my highest estimate. The bid included weed kill, moss kill, removing weeds, sand/soil mix and level, seeding with mulch, and fertilizing. Admittedly a lot of work and light equipment to avoid compacting the drain field. I am rural so lots of transportation. Still I said no. The contractor suggested elimination of the first step (sand/soil), using my existing , somewhat rocky, soil. The rebid was $4000. He starts next week. Maybe some of this helps. I am a diy'r, but lack of equipment stopped me because acquisiton cost was at least the bid cost.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
shureguy, I guess we are about as far apart as possible geographically. For what it's worth: My 1/3 acre is my front yard over a septic drain field. Ten years ago it was very good grass, but I did not care for it properly and it slowly went downhill, dying completely out 2 yrs ago and is now moss, "swamp grass" (my name and would live with it if it filled in), and red sorrel weeds. I got a soil lab report that the Ph is 4.9 and have doctored with lime. After trying for 2 years I finally got a landscape person to bid a new lawn. (angies list no help)

The first bid was $7000 which was twice my highest estimate. The bid included weed kill, moss kill, removing weeds, sand/soil mix and level, seeding with mulch, and fertilizing. Admittedly a lot of work and light equipment to avoid compacting the drain field. I am rural so lots of transportation. Still I said no. The contractor suggested elimination of the first step (sand/soil), using my existing , somewhat rocky, soil. The rebid was $4000. He starts next week. Maybe some of this helps. I am a diy'r, but lack of equipment stopped me because acquisiton cost was at least the bid cost.

$7K would be way out of my price range as well, my lawn is not that bad, I just hate my grass, I have mixed grass with that thick golf course grass that is super hard to cut. I would keep my lawn as is rather than pay those prices!


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
We're all different . If I had your grass as describled I'd save$4K. I love trees and the front yard woud be trees if I had sewer hookup.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
We're all different . If I had your grass as describled I'd save$4K. I love trees and the front yard woud be trees if I had sewer hookup.

haha I didn't say I had weeds though


Forum Newbie
Dec 15, 2018
We're all different . If I had your grass as describled I'd save$4K. I love trees and the front yard woud be trees if I had sewer hookup.

I'm curious why you can't have trees? I have a septic system and trees. Is there something I'm missing here?


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
I forgot about this thread...Now couple years later I am back with weed cover over the septic field. ...

First I will describe the dark experience of replanting the front. The landscaper had two workers who most likely were illegals and spoke no English. I believe Hondurans, young men willing to work very hard . I was surprised that no large power equipment was used. I had rototilled the front previously my self and so did they. Then the dark part , the form of which is currently fueling TV driven class action ads against "glyphosate," such as "roundup." The two workers put handkerchiefs over their nose and mouth which is no real protection. Then both walked behind "sprinklers" filled with the weed killer which was sprayed in circles , including the workers. This application went on for hours. The stench was so bad it required all house widows to be closed for days. After several days, perhaps a week, the workers returned and manually raked the dead vegetation into piles for collection. Because the landscaper had stated the soil was adequate to support grass the seeding then progressed (top soil was another $3K). The workers manually spread a kind of sawdust looking mix with the grass seed.

I had a sprinkler system and gradually the grass began to sprout, but anemic is several areas. That result was marginal, but I kept spot spraying the weeds for several years. Gradually the front yard simply returned to its acid loving cover.

My comments on glyphosate may trigger various responses. Bring them! Is weed killer a carcinogenic? Don't know, but I still cringe remembering the two young men and their exposure. Back to the turf...

This is top of a mountain so when construction grading occurred ( before my time) I believe the front top soil was scraped off. This is a volcanic area with dark , rich , "coffee grounds" topsoil for 12-18." The soil is acidic. The front is now covered with moss and weeds, some actually attractive. I expect neighbors to gather some night with torches and pitchforks.

The question of why no trees is interesting. Previously I owned a rural home with septic among fairly thick trees without a problem for 6 years. However I sold the house and do not know how it fared. The literature seems to advise no trees because of roots vs drain piping. It also seems dominated by warnings even about small bushes and any plants other than grasses. I am a homeowner, not a scientist or septic engineer.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
I am new in Florida and i love it.If you do not have sprinklers don,t waste you money.I,am close to Tampa and I see in our subdivision,only yard with reclaim water system doing Ok.Dan