Buying Advice Suspension seat for ZT


Jul 11, 2014
My current ZT mower is a Husqvarna MZ5225ZT with about 70 hours on it and still like new. It replaced my previous Husqvarna commercial 18/48 that I used for about 15 years with no problems, but traded up because I had a buyer for the old one and got a good deal on the new one. I have a lot of lawn and an airstrip. My problem is that this new mower is way way faster than the older unit and that speed is showing up with a much rougher ride when I hit the bumpy stuff. If I keep going on the way I am I'm certain I'll be having some serious disc problems in my back before long. At 70 years old, I'm surprised I don't already.

Now, with that intro, I'm considering either selling the Husky and buy something like a Ferris IS700z to take advantage of the suspension, or go the cheap way, keep my Husky and add a suspension seat. Norther tool sells a Michigan V5300 that isn't cheap, but appears to be a simple install and it may be money well spent rather than to shell out the big bucks for a new mower and have to sell the old(new) one. The downside is that the mower still rides rough, but the seat supposedly (maybe) soaks it up. With the Ferris, the whole mower rides smooth.

Does anyone have any constructive advice for me regarding this? Anyone with direct experience with this particular seat or maybe different brand or model? I hate to install one to find out it doesn't really help much. I know, I could just slow down, but that isn't in my genetic makeup. Can't do it. Any and all input will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
NE Michigan


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2014
You might try lowering the air pressure in your tires some, helps with rough ground. I can't help you with seat thing.


Jul 11, 2014
You might try lowering the air pressure in your tires some, helps with rough ground. I can't help you with seat thing.

Thanks. I've already lowered the air as much as I dare. Didn't really make a noticeable difference. I'm running out of options. Either a suspension seat or sell the mower and buy something different. If I knew the suspension seat would make a reasonable difference I would go with it in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2014
Thanks. I've already lowered the air as much as I dare. Didn't really make a noticeable difference. I'm running out of options. Either a suspension seat or sell the mower and buy something different. If I knew the suspension seat would make a reasonable difference I would go with it in a heartbeat.

There are some people on this forum that know way more about Zero turns then me. Maybe you should search this forum for something thats called flex forks or something like that that you put on the replace the front wheel mounts. I'll try to find more info on them or find someone that knows more about them then me. Now as for the seat you will get a much better ride with a suspension seat, thats why big rig truckers use them. I go find some more info on the forks and get back to you, OK


Jul 11, 2014
There are some people on this forum that know way more about Zero turns then me. Maybe you should search this forum for something thats called flex forks or something like that that you put on the replace the front wheel mounts. I'll try to find more info on them or find someone that knows more about them then me. Now as for the seat you will get a much better ride with a suspension seat, thats why big rig truckers use them. I go find some more info on the forks and get back to you, OK

Hey, thanks for the input. It all helps. If I can improve the comfort level without spending a fortune on buying a new machine, I would prefer that. It seems that the more popular the ZTs become, the more the price goes up. I guess that's simple "supply and demand" business. I look forward to anything you can find that will make a difference. Meanwhile, I'll search "flex forks".


Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
I say just slow down and enjoy the ride.

You can just upgrade the seat.

I was looking at a nice high back seat at tractor supply yesterday. It also has about 3 times the padding as most ztr seats.

I put it on the floor and sat in it for awhile
Not sure I want to spend $280 on a seat but it sure felt good.

I have not used flex forks. I have done a dew hours of research on them. I think they are fine for a homeowner with a flat yard. No steep hills.
But for me I mow to many hills I should not.


Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
My current ZT mower is a Husqvarna MZ5225ZT with about 70 hours on it and still like new. It replaced my previous Husqvarna commercial 18/48 that I used for about 15 years with no problems, but traded up because I had a buyer for the old one and got a good deal on the new one. I have a lot of lawn and an airstrip. My problem is that this new mower is way way faster than the older unit and that speed is showing up with a much rougher ride when I hit the bumpy stuff. If I keep going on the way I am I'm certain I'll be having some serious disc problems in my back before long. At 70 years old, I'm surprised I don't already.

Now, with that intro, I'm considering either selling the Husky and buy something like a Ferris IS700z to take advantage of the suspension, or go the cheap way, keep my Husky and add a suspension seat. Norther tool sells a Michigan V5300 that isn't cheap, but appears to be a simple install and it may be money well spent rather than to shell out the big bucks for a new mower and have to sell the old(new) one. The downside is that the mower still rides rough, but the seat supposedly (maybe) soaks it up. With the Ferris, the whole mower rides smooth.

Does anyone have any constructive advice for me regarding this? Anyone with direct experience with this particular seat or maybe different brand or model? I hate to install one to find out it doesn't really help much. I know, I could just slow down, but that isn't in my genetic makeup. Can't do it. Any and all input will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
NE Michigan

Personally I'd go with the suspension seat. I view the Ferris and their shock system as nothing more than a gimmick and a waste of money and the reason I say that is because if that type of system actually worked as well as they claim why doesn't every manufacturer use it on there mowers in one way or another. As far as the flex forks go I believe Dixie Chopper has been using them for years on a couple of there models and they tend to wobble at certain speeds which can be most uncomfortable. Seat is the way to go IMO.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2014
Hey, thanks for the input. It all helps. If I can improve the comfort level without spending a fortune on buying a new machine, I would prefer that. It seems that the more popular the ZTs become, the more the price goes up. I guess that's simple "supply and demand" business. I look forward to anything you can find that will make a difference. Meanwhile, I'll search "flex forks".

There you go fox5flyer I think you just got the best advice from two guys who know ZTs. I'm glad they posted so you get the low down on the flex forks and seat. I hope their advice will help you with the rough ride of your ZT. Keep us updated on things so others can learn also. Good Luck "But that's just me"


May 26, 2014
Personally I'd go with the suspension seat. I view the Ferris and their shock system as nothing more than a gimmick and a waste of money and the reason I say that is because if that type of system actually worked as well as they claim why doesn't every manufacturer use it on there mowers in one way or another. As far as the flex forks go I believe Dixie Chopper has been using them for years on a couple of there models and they tend to wobble at certain speeds which can be most uncomfortable. Seat is the way to go IMO.

the answer is ferris had good patent lawyers


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2013
I would look into this thing, I read where a commercial mower put these on three of his machines and really likes them. ZTR Lawn Mower Replacement Seat - ZTR Puffer
If you are not interested in this, then I would definitely get a good suspension seat and they do help with a bad back, also I do not know what tires you have on the front, but I changed out my run flats for pneumatic tires and that really helped with the front end bunny hop you can get with the run flats.