Recent content by LawnoftheDad

  1. LawnoftheDad

    First time Buyer

    Thank you everybody for the information! Some of this arrived after I already made my decision, but I still appreciate it very much. It seems like for the mechanically capable looking for and buying an older machine may have been the best course of action; however, weighed against the time...
  2. LawnoftheDad

    First time Buyer

    Duly noted. In regards to the engine, all of the CC Kohlers are "twin cylinder"; is that the same as v-twins?
  3. LawnoftheDad

    First time Buyer

    Thank you for the info, that's a good point about the lawn dimensions. A fair amount of property is wide open so I do think that speaks to the 50". Another thing I saw was that the 50" has 3 blades while the 46" only has 2...does the larger number of blades typically equate to better results...
  4. LawnoftheDad

    First time Buyer

    Thank you for the info. As to your question, unfortunately there are very few houses in my development that actually cut their own lawn. Of those that do, only two use a ride-on tractor. The Troy Bilt that I borrowed from my neighbor did a good job on my property for the test run, while my other...
  5. LawnoftheDad

    First time Buyer

    Hello everybody! I'd like to start off by saying how amazed I am at the level of expertise and experience on here. I discovered this forum today as I began research to purchase my very first ride-on lawn mower and have been very appreciative of the knowledge that's floating around these...