Recent content by jbeambabie

  1. J

    How to bypass the seat shut off switch

    Thank you. Jumping the wires didn't seem to help. I have know idea why :confused3: I'd figure that all it needed was to complete the circuit. Anyway.... This is how I fixed it for 10 cents or less. ***Disclaimer DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK***** I did this because I am the only person that uses...
  2. J

    How to bypass the seat shut off switch

    How's it going. New member here. I just bought a Craftsman YT3000 this year and I'm already growing tired of the seat shut off switch. It is VERY sensitive. Under the seat there are 4 wires. 2 are black (I assume they're ground :rolleyes:) and one of them is jumped to the other. the other...