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Jimmy the Lock

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2024
They are not it is people who are evil

That's hilarious! Yeah, we don't want yer godless communism here in the US!
And on ignore you go! waving4.gif

In EVERY country where they have had communism, lots of people get murdered and in every country where they have socialism, people lose their personal freedom and rights.

So, pardon the expression but you can taker your communism & socialism and stick it!

I know the truth of who is backing these political systems and it leads straight to the eternal fires of heLL

I won't be going with you!

Jimmy the Lock

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2024
In fact Hitler actually wrote that the active US government participation in Eugenics is where he derived his "Final Solution" concept for Arian purity from.

Yeah, those were the socialist filth among us... the ones that wanted to turn the US to communism


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2014
That opinion Jimmy is because you have been brought up in the USA where there was brainwashing 24/7 that communism & socialism is evil
They are not it is people who are evil
Most native tribes that survived for thousands of year till we slaughtered them practiced a form of Socialism or Communism depending upon weather they had a single chief or a council of tribal elders
if you want to know how many people the capitalist USA has directly murdered , dig into the history of Eugenics in America where funny enough the conservative government forced over 1,000,000 abortions, many very late term and near double that number of serialisations of women ( all male government of course ) .
In fact Hitler actually wrote that the active US government participation in Eugenics is where he derived his "Final Solution" concept for Arian purity from.
Mass murders happen when a Communist or Socialist system become a dictatorship and the 3 are all different .
The problem is power is very addictive ( Trump is the perfect example of this , followed by his besties, Putin & Kim ) , so people are reluctant to relinquish it when it is their time to go , and from there on in the rot sets in and leaders declare themselves leader for life and try to pass that down to their children .
Note trump last night , presidential terms should be longer , senate terms to be shorter with a limit on the number of terms .
And it was not communism or socialism that caused the "god fearing flag waving constitution loving " US citizens to storm the US parliament.
It was a single man with a lust for absolute power who should be in jail but is currently trying to run for president a 3rd time & if he gets in it will be tha last presidential election the USA will have untill the next revolution.
And yet throughout history they have always or at least often turned into dictatorships. That is precisely why you had to point out that it's when they turn into dictatorships that there becomes a big problem.
That goes back to your very accurate comment about human nature and humans being the problem.
Staying away from communism and some very strong forms of socialism are some people's buffer zone to try to prevent that dictatorship. Lol

It certainly was not Trump being the single reason for those people storming the Capital.
Those people did that because that is their nature and many of them are far more extreme than Trump could ever imagine even in his own mind.
Hey, and their groups, etc riled themselves up to a frenzy and that's what caused them to do it.
Another weird and usually bad human trait - mob mentality.

It strikes me as odd that you have a lot to say about Trump and his supporters and seemingly anyone that's probably fairly conservative or right leaning...not being from this country or living here and all.
I will acknowledge that it's hard for people in general to be able to put themselves in other shoes or to see things from the viewpoint of another country etc and I also know that it tends to be a little worse for people in or from the US and many other places.
I just say it's odd though because I would think most people, not just people in the us, but most people in general couldn't name the president of over three other countries besides their own if they tried!
Most couldn't even do it with a multiple choice of let's say only 10 people.
It's not really because they're uneducated, or in any way inferior or dumb etc... It's just they simply don't care!
I have a feeling you will tend to take this little bit offensively but if so, that's on you, and notice I apply it both ways....but I don't know if Australia has a president, democracy, monarch or royalty style leader or figurehead etc, and I don't care one bit one way or the other. The same goes for france, spain, Germany and the other only couple of handfuls of countries I can name.
I don't expect anyone in the world to be any different.
I also don't expect them to pay much attention or to give a rat's you know what about who's the douchebag in the white house for whatever 4-8 year period you want to pick.
It's not a derogatory thing towards anyone or other countries but rather I feel it should be the same for everybody.
Hey - that's kind of like socialism isn't??? 😆
People should only be that much concerned or, anything over a little bit at all about their own country and I can understand a little bit if you were in Spain and knew a little bit more about France since they're right next door and not THAT far away.

I know I'm quite odd but I do like to analyze and observe things and they just often make me go "hmmm??"

Oh well, back to me giving you my insight on this country for the past right around 50 years.
While Trump was quite odd and would have never been my choice of the Republican candidates to run on the Republican ticket, I certainly take him over most of the liberals.
All the politicians talking good game and plenty of Democrats and liberals love to support their candidates because that's one thing they are really REALLY good at but my actual observed experiences in my own life and then my regions let's say show me that I'll pass on them being in office.

For all of my life that I can remember, every time the Democrats have been in office, they screw things up and make them worse.
Now see worse is a subjective term.
If you're worried about research for a tree frog that only exist by a river somewhere for 3 months out of the year....or if you're wanting to help every last person you can including all the ones who want to freeload as much as possible and don't want to know the role and get in their lane and do what they should do, what they know they're supposed to do as a member of society just like the vast majority of people do.....then a person worried about these things might not think it's worse what the Democrats do when they're in charge..
Hi, however, have only seen it be harder to live when they're in charge, harder to buy a home and get loans and have to pay more interest for them, inflation is almost always quite a bit higher when they're in, regulations are far more prominent and they sit around trying to think up new ones every chance they get, and then let's not forget taxes which they almost always raise because they need more money to do all the things they want to do.

So, I didn't come into this world with any predisposition to like Republicans or Democrats any one more than the other but through my experiences I have certainly found life to be better and easier with Republicans in the White House.
Notice I started out saying regional experience because someone living in New York or California or any large city could very well have an entirely different experience then I have had.
Also someone living in a very rural area like Oklahoma or some of the sparsely populated areas of Texas could also have a different experience then I.
The US is a very large country and demographics, and other things very a whole lot from one spot to the other and sometimes these spots are quite close to each other but regardless big differences.
I can't begin to accurately determine which political way is the best or right or wrong etc but I can say which one has made my life better and easier.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
And yet throughout history they have always or at least often turned into dictatorships. That is precisely why you had to point out that it's when they turn into dictatorships that there becomes a big problem.
That goes back to your very accurate comment about human nature and humans being the problem.
Staying away from communism and some very strong forms of socialism are some people's buffer zone to try to prevent that dictatorship. Lol
Yes it is easier for a Communist country to fall into dictatorship however Germany was a democracy as was Italy and Russia ( sort of ) so it happens to capitalist countries as well, usually when the gap between the obscenely wealthy & the grindingly poor gets way too big as it is in the USA right now and the massively wealthy can force things like warehouse pickers not being allowed to go to the toilet ( Amazon ) .

No, Trump was not the reason, trump was the catalyst and he is setting himself up to do it again, even bigger this time .
However happy content people do not grab rifles & storm the parliament , unhappy angry people do that and privileged or wealthy people exploit that anger to create revolutions for their own benefit & trump is doing that a lot better than most would think right now . Jimmy the lock is a good example of the brainwashed who believe the lies peddled by the MAGA's
Iran is another example were the Shar kept his people in poverty so eventually the privileged Imams directed that hatred towards the USA ( probably deserved ) and we got the Islamic revolution because greedy Americans wanted cheap petrol and greedier shareholders wanted higher dividends . So right this minute American sailors are putting their lives on the line in the Red Sea

I once ran a collective and it worked very well, we all made a lot of money till one of the partners decided he wanted out and we all had to by him out for the value he had the business appraised for . So socialism can and does work . In Australia I would be considered a bit left of centre which in the USA would be considered radical left but that is just the difference between societies the USA is far more right than any other democracy on the planet .
It is often easier to evaluate things from the outside than the inside, which is one reason why businesses hire consultants to fix problems .
So from outside I see things that Americans can't , like all Australians could rattle off around 20 to 30 world leaders and their previous leaders & Europeans could do that for every EU country and probably most of every parliament and the one before plus most speak at least 4 languages . It is only the Americans who can not because by & large Americans can not see past their borders and consider America to be the world . World Cup ?, World Series ? the USA and a couple of countries that have had long term large US bases . Cultural Imperialism , the USA has threatened to ban the children's cartoon series "Bluey" unless it is overdubed so Z's are prounounced Zee in place of the Australian Zed where as we had to accept Sesamie Street, Zees and all , without any overdubing .
And you are right, I do my best to avoid US politics because it makes no difference to my life which bum is in the white house and weather he wears red or blue undies .
Until now because I knew a lot of people who worked in the USSR and subsequent Ukrainian metals industry ( actually helped in a very small way for one to defect ) .
US politics are generally considered a joke by most of the developed world . You are the only country that allows government shut downs , every other country has a mechanism to punish the problem party.
Down here , failure to pass the supply bill, which has to happen 3 months out causes an instant election of every member and this has only ever been done one time and probably never will again . We are officially a constitutional monarchy same as the UK except both houses are elected , the Senate has he same number of representatives from each state no no state can dominate the others and the reps has seats based purely on numbers , around 120,000 . Senate does 6 years reps 3 and 1/2 the senate is elected each 3 years with the reps so we rarely get massive swings . Voting is compulsory at every level, voting registration is uniform through out the country and election are run by an independent authority so they can not be gerrymandered like yours always seem to be and we are trying to get the terms increased to 4 & 8 another problem we see with your system because 2 years is too short a time to get anything done that might not be popular so I see your elections as a cheap bidding war over who can reduce taxes the most, who can make longer prison sentences etc etc , So problems that are difficult to fix like your border never get fixed .Plus of curse all of the businesses who kick the can for the expected 20 billion the electioneering will spend , will expect a return on their investment where as with compulsory voting you do not need to hype up people to get them to a polling booth so less bribes and corruption ( note I said less not none ).
The best ( for the country) PM we ever had was Bon Hawke but a lot of things he did in his government never showed results till the Howard government 10 years latter who naturally took the credit for it , as is the want of every government, take credit for what is good & blame the previous for all that is bad . So a lot of the republican "good days" could well be the result of the decisions the democrats made because your election cycles are so short and of course the obverse also applies .
We fixed most of our illegals problem by making it illegal to employ undocumented workers with jail terms and a system to bring in "guest workers " for thing that Australians , like Americans are too lazy to do like pick crops . However the big problem with your border is russia no one in their right mind would believe that people from central Asia who only speak russian & their native tongue would go from Western Europe to South America then up through Mexico to the US border without some one spending a small fortune to finance the trip and that person is Putin who is doing the same with the Baltic States , Sweeden & Norway to create a border crisis just the same as he is doing at the USA border .

So now I follow what is going on in US politics because I follow what is happening in Ukraine because I sort of know people who worked in the metals industry and because if it escalated into a NATO engagement then the USA's lap dag ( Australia ) will be there right alongside . And so much of what happens in Ukraine is tied up with what happens in the US politics .
Do you know that Canada bought $ 50,000,000 worth of NASAMs from Rayethon in March 2023 and since April 2023 they have been sitting on the dock at Rayethon packed up ready to ship just waiting for a export permit so either the Pentagon or the congress will not sign off on the deal .

And right now US politics is all trump
From the outside I saw trump as a good thing ( boy was that wrong ) as just like you in 2016 we often have a choice of Twiddledee or Twiddledum people who have never worked outside the government all their life and quite frankly would have starved if they tried to make a living in private enterprise so I saw a supposed business man as a good thing that would shake up US politics and perhaps even Australia little did I know that he was an abject failure and a full time con man , but neither did the US either apparently. I mean who can loose a couple of billion running a casino ?
Trump is by Australian standard very hard right , so our conservative went even harder right embracing the almost fascist opus day
When trump was elected , by the way we had more coverage of the US election than the US did , I was with some motorcycling friends watching the coverage on the TV at a pub ( every channel so no choice but to watch it ) and we all sat there loking at each other till some said "F" they have gone and elected another Hitler .
And FWIW in the past few year I have bumped into around 100 or so refugees from the USA , yes refugees because they were anti trump so had been subjected to things like people buring down their houses , beating them up, repeatedly sending the emergency services to their house or place of work. They all fear an actual civil war so they went to an english speaking country where every second 1/2 witt is not carrying a fire arm with more bullets in the mag than their IQ , So it was Australia or Canada and we have base ball, basket ball , beaches you can swim all year in and no guns


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Not to mention over 200 federal agents blended in the crowd inciting them to riot.
No need to mention them because there were none there .
How can I know that ?
Because the Republican Congressional committee has had the footage for over 3 years .
They have done facial recognition on it and have not found a single federal agent in the crowd
Well that is what both Cromer & Johnston have said and they are republicans so they must be honest men .
The only person pushing that line is trump for the purpose of exonerating himself should the RICO case for election fraud against him fail and of course those caught up in he trump cult besotted by the BS
However there are quite a few senior republicans in the crowd which is why the house will not make their copy public till they have blurred the faces to prevent "persecution by the justice department " , or is that simply doing their job ?
Now the FBI have a full copy but their copy has been & will be used as evidence so they can not make their copy public but the one the house has is public property and has to be released to the public ( won't happen till after the election )

Trump obviously really likes Tsar Putin 1st because he is copying Putins play book, right down to using hitler quotes .
And Tsar Putin 1st prime propaganda trick is to blame the other side for doing every atrocity he does.
Thus blaming the Democrats for election fraud when it was him all along that was perpetrating a fraud and that can not be denied because there are tapes, the 18 co- conspirators in the fake college electors have all been charges and 4 of them have confesses plus more have taken a plea bargain because they suddenly realised they are looking at 20 years if trump does not win so can pardon them .
Deliberately loosing the Carrol rape case so he can play the persecution card and make out like he is protecting the rights of the common manis a really low trick .
FWIW , it was his lawyer who refused to allow the dress to be entered in evidence, it was his lawyer who advised him not to offer a DNA sample till after the deadline for evidence had expired so neither the dress nor his DNA ( which would have proven him innocent without a doubt ) to be entered into evidence .
It was trump himself who scheduled the opening of the golf course in Scotland an the same day as the hearing , after the hearing day had been set to give him an "innocent" reason for not being at the trial and then he claimed he was being treated unfairly because the date was not rescheduled , again to claim the persecuted victim status.
The at the appeal again it was his lawyer who failed to present the evidence before the cut off for search & disclosure had passed despite lodging all sorts of paper work to delay the appeal , and the were all done on time just the evidence was late and then he claimed fouls that they would not allow him to present evidence .
So he lost the appeal and again claimed the persecuted innocent victim bit .
Then in the final case again his lawyer failed to do the paper work required to enter fresh evidence on time so it was Trump all the way preventing evidence being presented .
The last case was a damages case,'HE was already found GUILTY by a jury and his appeal was overturned by the judges so he demanded a jury and again the appeal was overturned so he went in as a CONVICTED CRIMINAL so he can not claim he is innocent without offering fresh evidence and he was warned that he could not protest his innocence because it had already been established in law that he was GUILTY of the rape and GUILTY of ignoring a court order to stop the tweets
Even in the trial he continued to ignore the judges warnings , muttering about being innocent, about the judge having a personal vendetta and it being a politically motivated witch hunt plus he tweeted 22 times while in court, another 47 latter that night 30 something the next day and even more on the final day and sending those tweets is why he was there not because of the rape , it was all about the tweets .
Now any other person would have been found in contempt and be doing multiple 30 day stints so he was treated far better and far more leniently than any other criminal would be .
Now I thought tat he jst had a bad legal team till Hubba gave her press interview after the verdict making out that trump was being maliciously prosecuted and denied natural justice when every prohibition of presenting evidence was his own doing .
Thus it became obvious that Trump was using this case to set himself up as some sort of hero of the common man to grift donation from PAYE suckers to cover the fine ( and they are doing it right now ) , plus to get a sympathy vote in the election plus it would justify him tossing out all of the honest judges & prosecutors should he get elected which is exactly what Tsar Putin 1st did in his second term
Jun 6, 2020
What do you guys do with your used oil? We have ours picked up by Safety Kleen. They use to pay for it but now charge to pick it up. Was talking to the guy that picked it up and he said a lot of the major oil companies bought from them and reprossed it. Like Mobile One, Valvoline to name a few. Said it cost less to process and was better than the crude. Don't know if this is true or not does anyone here know for sure.
I don't know about other states but at least in Minnesota every county is required to have a household hazardous waste facility. Now that I'm retired and don't bring my oil to work to dump, I just bring it to the local county site. This is just for consumers though, not for businesses. I'm not sure what the rules are for smaller shops but the larger ones like I worked for were monitored closely by the local government for compliance.
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