The Daily Yardman Thread

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016

I'm a little late to chime in here, but then on the other hand I'm a little ahead of some of you. I have never been a sports fan of any organized sports ever since I was a kid. I was always more interested in hunting and fishing, or doing stuff outside that you could do on your own. Then I got older (like 10) and discovered girls were different than boys and that pretty much took up all my time from then on.

However, I have to admit that I almost watched all of this most recent football game.. It wasn't because I wanted to you understand, it was because this condo is so damn small, that I had no choice. The TV is downstairs and as the speakers are on the back and it is on the wall, all the sound goes right up into the loft so you can't escape up there and read or anything. The audio is twice as loud up there than it is in the living room.

Why my other half likes to watch football is beyond me. She's a fairly sensible woman most of the time and she only watches the super ball, or is it super bowl? Anyway, I fell asleep before the end, so I didn't see what I assume was the best part. Everybody seems to think it was a great game, I thought it was boring as hell..

There, now I'll be pariah for all the sports fans to rag on.. Screw'em...


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

But, after a season of league play, EVERY team member on EVERY team gets a "Participation" "Winners" (gasp..)
or "Runners up"(oh,NOOOOO) and certainly, no "LOSERS" (ain't no such thing..)

So it doesn't MERIT ANYTHING to succeed.................


This new method of raising children so that the clumsy ones that can't get out of their own way don't get their delicate feelings hurt when they trip on their shoe laces and end up face down instead of scoring points, or whatever, came to our attention when Becky attended a game one of our grand daughters was involved in. She was astounded to learn that no score was kept, so there would not be a winning team or a losing team, everybody, as you said, just "participated"..

However, at the end of the game, the grand daughter informed her grandmother that her team had WON!! Becky inquired how she knew that, as no score had been kept. Grand daughter looked up and replied in a tone that indicated what she thought it was obvious - "I can count Grammie!"

I guess the no points effort at saving face doesn't actually work with kids that can count! LOL



Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


This new method of raising children so that the clumsy ones that can't get out of their own way don't get their delicate feelings hurt when they trip on their shoe laces and end up face down instead of scoring points, or whatever, came to our attention when Becky attended a game one of our grand daughters was involved in. She was astounded to learn that no score was kept, so there would not be a winning team or a losing team, everybody, as you said, just "participated"..

However, at the end of the game, the grand daughter informed her grandmother that her team had WON!! Becky inquired how she knew that, as no score had been kept. Grand daughter looked up and replied in a tone that indicated what she thought it was obvious - "I can count Grammie!"

I guess the no points effort at saving face doesn't actually work with kids that can count! LOL


I have gotten some dirty looks from the nonwinning team when I told my grandson in a very loud voice I was proud of him for winning. I think that feeling is better than the winning. :laughing::laughing::laughing:


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


This new method of raising children so that the clumsy ones that can't get out of their own way don't get their delicate feelings hurt when they trip on their shoe laces and end up face down instead of scoring points, or whatever, came to our attention when Becky attended a game one of our grand daughters was involved in. She was astounded to learn that no score was kept, so there would not be a winning team or a losing team, everybody, as you said, just "participated"..

However, at the end of the game, the grand daughter informed her grandmother that her team had WON!! Becky inquired how she knew that, as no score had been kept. Grand daughter looked up and replied in a tone that indicated what she thought it was obvious - "I can count Grammie!"

I guess the no points effort at saving face doesn't actually work with kids that can count! LOL


Mornin there Goomba !!
AHHhhh YEP ! it seem's each successive generation continually get's further "into-orbit" than the preceding, heard on TV last nite, that a certain church want's us to refer to God as a NON-Gender being... I thought MAN was created by God in his own image ?? I guess in the future, newborns should NOT have any reproductive organs, after all, we don't want to "offend" any being that what we presently describe as Male or Female but THINKS/FEELS they are really the OPPOSITE ( of what we call "sex" ) so I guess NO gender or Gender-neutral is the forthcoming descriptor ..??
The more I hear of this Liberal B/S ..... the more grateful I am that I'm another day closer to MY Finish-Line ! Is it any wonder why this world is so screwed up ?? ...:confused2:..:confused2:


Lawn Addict
Apr 8, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I constantly strive to fly in PC faces at every opportunity.
It has become one of my life's aims...........


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I constantly strive to fly in PC faces at every opportunity.
It has become one of my life's aims...........

A man after my own heart !! PRAISE you Ron !! .. :thumbsup:..:thumbsup:


Lawn Addict
Apr 8, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Falcon Heavy launch system

I sure hope you got a chance to watch that launch today.
Absolutely incredible............Perfect launch, 2 boosters landed simultaneously back at the Cape,
dunno about the core stage.......Musk"s Tesla roadster now in a 1 billion year orbital around the sun.............

JEEEZ................that was something !!!!


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I constantly strive to fly in PC faces at every opportunity.
It has become one of my life's aims...........

Yes, the world has gone mad.
And what makes me madder it is not because the "downtrodden" complained it is because of the actions of the drama queens who see it their duty to be offended for other people.
So some one else decides that they are a better judge of what is offensive to me than I am.
The local black people get furious about this.

Opps, the local people of heritage that predated the unauthorised occupation of this country by peoples who departed from countries in the northern hemisphere become uncomfortable with the idea that people who are not directly connected to them by blood line think they have a some sort of right to decide if a decendent of the previously dominant mamalian inhabitants is insulted or not.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

HEY GANG !! ....... In case ya missed it, RON, FINALLY got off his dead arse, and decided it's time he had an AVATAR !

it's about time !! .....
....... and it's on every post he made ! ........


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