The Daily Yardman Thread


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2014
Re: A joke for NOBAMA

James my man, I want you to know that this was sent to me by a buddy from NY.. NYC as a matter of fact (well, Long Island), same difference to guys like us.

Anyway, I thought you might get a kick out of it:

A good old Alabama boy won a bass boat in a raffle drawing. He brought it home
and his wife looks at him and says,

"What are you gonna do with that. There ain't no water deep enough to float a
boat within 100 miles of here."

He says, "I won it and I'm a-gonna keep it."

His brother came over to visit several days later. He sees the wife and asks
where his brother is.

She says, "He's out there in his bass boat", pointing to the field behind the

The brother heads out behind the house and sees his brother in the middle of a
big field, sitting in a bass boat with a fishing rod in his hand. He yells out
to him, "What are you doin'?"

His brother replies, "I'm fishin'. What does it look like I'm a doin'?"

His brother yells, "It's people like you that give people from Alabama a bad
name, makin' everybody think we're stupid. If I could swim, I'd come out there
and whip your butt."

That is a good one Roger glad to see you are back after all you started this long lasting thread
Sorry i have been awol for a week. Wife and i took a little trip to the Smokey Mountains at Gatlinburg Tennessee. Meet up with some folks and had a great time.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Holy crapoli!! A Char Broil Masterflame 8000!!! The back yard standard for Grills...

And fitted with something called a Grillmate to boot! I'm starting to drool....

However, it was just freezing here this morning and there were light snow showers along parts of the coast last night.. No more sitting out on the deck grilling venison steaks until next summer I guess.. Bugger..


You're not much of a "griller" are ya Goomba, back in "68" was stationed in Nebraska, (Offutt AFB) first snowfall was 34-1/2 in. my AF buddy lived across the street, we got excused from duty so we cleared a spot in front of his garage, set-up his grill, got a case of beer out of his basement, got some chicken outa the frig. , and proceeded to get hammered, a cop drove by, he went past real s-l-o-w then backed up got outa his cruiser, he said... you guys from the North Pole..??
FLORIDA !!! .. we laughed back, "figures" is the only word he said as he turned and left us to enjoy.


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

You're not much of a "griller" are ya Goomba, back in "68" was stationed in Nebraska, (Offutt AFB) first snowfall was 34-1/2 in. my AF buddy lived across the street, we got excused from duty so we cleared a spot in front of his garage, set-up his grill, got a case of beer out of his basement, got some chicken outa the frig. , and proceeded to get hammered, a cop drove by, he went past real s-l-o-w then backed up got outa his cruiser, he said... you guys from the North Pole..??
FLORIDA !!! .. we laughed back, "figures" is the only word he said as he turned and left us to enjoy.

I grill all year round. Nothing like that flame.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

hey don't go hogging all the credit.
Rivets had a go at him and I did my bit as well.
The bloke is a F'wit racing around blindly stabbing in the dark.
When offered help he ignored it and again went off on his own tangent shoving his probes everywhere they did not belong.

He is over on the Lawn mower forums now seeking christian solace and soaking up all the "poor boy you" posts.
His mower is still not running and with the way he is going it never will.

When his type came in , I used to fix their mowers on the spot as they were either a dud safety switch or more frequently just loose valves.
I got no thanks, they argued about the $ 60 labour ( cause I don't have a shop front and a cutie with 1/2 her tits hanging out at the front counter ) then seem to think they should get some sort of discount cause they have already spent $ 600 on stuff they did not need to replace.

Now I worked out how to handle them.
I take their mower tell them will look at it during the week, fix it the next day wait a week or two charge $ 180 and write an invoice that is 2 pages long, written long hand almost impossible to read.
They then think I am some sort of genius who eventually overcame this overwhelming problem that they could not work out regardless of how much money they threw at it and leave with a smile on their face, not feeling like an idiot who has just pis$ed big bucks up the wall cause thay had no idea what they are doing.


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

hey don't go hogging all the credit.
Rivets had a go at him and I did my bit as well.
The bloke is a F'wit racing around blindly stabbing in the dark.
When offered help he ignored it and again went off on his own tangent shoving his probes everywhere they did not belong.

He is over on the Lawn mower forums now seeking christian solace and soaking up all the "poor boy you" posts.
His mower is still not running and with the way he is going it never will.

When his type came in , I used to fix their mowers on the spot as they were either a dud safety switch or more frequently just loose valves.
I got no thanks, they argued about the $ 60 labour ( cause I don't have a shop front and a cutie with 1/2 her tits hanging out at the front counter ) then seem to think they should get some sort of discount cause they have already spent $ 600 on stuff they did not need to replace.

Now I worked out how to handle them.
I take their mower tell them will look at it during the week, fix it the next day wait a week or two charge $ 180 and write an invoice that is 2 pages long, written long hand almost impossible to read.
They then think I am some sort of genius who eventually overcame this overwhelming problem that they could not work out regardless of how much money they threw at it and leave with a smile on their face, not feeling like an idiot who has just pis$ed big bucks up the wall cause thay had no idea what they are doing.

That story reminds me of a person that came into the computer repair shop I worked in. Had a printer that would not take the paper. I looked at the printer and told him I could save him the $120.00 dollar charge we would have to charge him if he would do it himself. He refused. I tried 3 times to talk him into it but he refused. I finally said ok. I took all his info and filled out the invoice. Made him pay up front. Took his printer to the back and told him it would take a few minutes. Got it on the bench and turned it over and shook out the two push pins in the paper tray. Took it out to him and told him it was fixed. He was happy as all get out but $120.00 poorer because he could not do anything that hard. Canon had come out with a top back load printer. I fixed maybe 50 of them that year. All with the same problem.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Looks like we're both on a roll Doc, visit the Craftsman forum and read the thread .."Greetings" posted by Kleles, and it may be on the "new-posts" as well, .. All we can do is try, like Bert said, the guy's mower ain't running, HE's got the problem ..still !
It's hard enough trying to help someone with mechanical skills and even basic knowledge of an engine and mower, but trying to help someone that doesn't know which end of a screwdriver is the functional part, and refuses to go along with your advice, that's about as frustrating as sittin down and finishing your "DUMP" then realizing there's no butt-wipe in the holder, or anywhere in "the-room" .. ( LOL )


Nov 3, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I have fixed 4 power heads.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

That story reminds me of a person that came into the computer repair shop I worked in. Had a printer that would not take the paper. I looked at the printer and told him I could save him the $120.00 dollar charge we would have to charge him if he would do it himself. He refused. I tried 3 times to talk him into it but he refused. I finally said ok. I took all his info and filled out the invoice. Made him pay up front. Took his printer to the back and told him it would take a few minutes. Got it on the bench and turned it over and shook out the two push pins in the paper tray. Took it out to him and told him it was fixed. He was happy as all get out but $120.00 poorer because he could not do anything that hard. Canon had come out with a top back load printer. I fixed maybe 50 of them that year. All with the same problem.

What a coincidence, I'm fixing my wife's printer as of this morning, we each have our own separate puter and printer and share the modem/router, but all is hardwired via ethernet, got 3 HP-C7280 printers ( one is for parts paid $5.00 at a yard sale, )
had my first since 2008, SUPER-FAST and the most realistic color it's un-believeable . Anyway hers decided to take a schitt so now it's back to searching for the fix, ( been through this before) still a royal PITA !! If ya have a few minutes, check out these links ..

the one on firmware is a real piss-off !! years ago, Canon or I think it was Epson got a class action lawsuit filed against them for "spiking updates" to customers printers causing failure of printer because they found that customers were using refilled carts. ..:thumbdown:..:mur:..:smiley_aafz:
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Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Good Morning "gang" !!


Well what does the day hold in store ! HMmmmm ... hey Doc, we got any quota's to meet today, I need to find my book of "Sarcastic Comments & Insulting Adjectives" ... :laughing:..:laughing:...:laughing: