Tecumseh OH180 wont start


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
If I was there it would be a 30 minute job, but trying to explain how to fix it, way to long. I have attached a service manual for your engine which I hope you can understand. Paste this site into your browser and it should go to the manual. Section 5 has your carb, but do not do anything until you read it. In my opinion you are going to have to take the carb off and go through it. Before removing the carb try to reset the mixture screws according to the manual. Then try starting the engine. If engine will not start, try spraying some carb cleaner into the carb and try starting. If not luck you will have to remove carb and check it over. I'll try to watch for this thread if you have any question.



Forum Newbie
Feb 24, 2016
Thanks for link. I tried starting engine by setting adjustment screws to spec. Would not start ! I took carb off and apart, but didn't see anything inside that looked bad ( good thing because I paid local shop to rebuild it ). Next move was to start with adjustment screws all the way closed and start backing them out a little at a time . Engine finally started and ran for a while ( 5 min ) , I shut engine off and now it will not restart :frown: What should I try next ?


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
Make sure you read the section on overhead carbs in the manual before starting. Try this, set the idle mixture screw 1 turn out and the high speed mixture screw 1 1/4 turns out from lightly seated. Start the engine, you may have to spray a little carb cleaner into it to get it going. Open the choke up slowly and keep it running with the choke until it warms up. Then slowly adjusted the high speed mixture until it runs smoothly. With this done reduce speed down to a little over idle and adjust the idle mixture screw. Remember what they talked about in the manual, yes I know that what I am saying is a bit different. At this point it should run smoothly at high speed and just about idle, plus it should be good and warm. Now drop the speed down to idle and readjust the idle mixture screw. Post back your results, if it doesn't work, be very clear what you did and what happened when. Remember we cannot see what is in front of you, you are our eyes, ears and fingers, plus at this point you must be a great communicator.

Just thought of this, are you sure the gaskets in-between the carb and manifold, plus the manifold and block are new or in very good condition? Any leaks here will cause us problems.