STIHL hedgetrimmer HS82 T and R : carburator "H" screw setting???


Oct 3, 2023
  • / STIHL hedgetrimmer HS82 T and R : carburator "H" screw setting???
I finally did it : I have set the L and LA-screw according to the official papers that have been posted here - so the procedure of highest idle - then LA at 3300rpm and then the L at 2800 rpm. I did this twice and came twice with the L-screw +/- turned out at 1 turn. When the HS82R had worked so that the motor was good hot then the idle started slightly to wander around a little because ithis setting was a tad too lean. I turned the L-screw slightly out till a good popping and good idle. When I then look at the result then it shows 1.1/8" turn out, the setting that I had. So the "procedure" of Stihl manual does not work as it should for me....
The "H"-screw : I tried to turn in and out while motor-rpm almost at its max. (because the rpm-limiter kicks-in at 9300 rpm !!) and tried to hear when too lean or when too rich in order to set ist at the border of the rich side, but I cannot hear the differences, it must be something that you are used to do or hear because I cannot set the screw with my ears. So I left the screw at 2.1/8" where I know it is certainly not too lean as it smokes I little and the exhaust shows a little oil.

The difference between my 2 new HS82 is : the "T" smokes less and when throttle 95% open it begins to go in the rpm-limiter. My "R" smokes more but when throttle is opened 50 or 60% it goes into rpm-limiter. When I work with that machine I must always pay very good attention how much I open the throttle, as it goes quick in the limiter. My other is easier to work with because I can open the throttle much further, so easier to controle the throttle.

Could I change the throttle-respons on my "R", would that be an option so that I can open it till 90% /95% before the rpm-limiter cicks-in??
How to do because I see nowhere an adjusting screw for the throttle-cable - where is it hidden?


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
  • / STIHL hedgetrimmer HS82 T and R : carburator "H" screw setting???
At lease we not are fine tuning by a frog hair....


Oct 3, 2023
  • / STIHL hedgetrimmer HS82 T and R : carburator "H" screw setting???
My problem with the STIHL HS82R is finally solved - for me in my mind it is closed and mostly because of your posts and advises here in this thread. So I thank all the folks that have given good advise to me : it has helped to finally adjust the hedgetrimmer so that in my mind I have satisfaction.

I had tuned it much more leaner then it was (2.1/8 turns instead of 2.1/2) - but I did not dare to make it more leaner although it seemed to me that at 2 turns it was nearly perfect - but as non-experienced guy I did not dare to set it that low. Now I had "the specialist" let have a look at it and he has set it at 2 turns out. When you open the throttle at max. then you hear the rpm-limiter come in.

The "L" and "LA" screw were set very good - so I have no problems with setting these screws. Now I know that I can set the "H"-screw like it should by listening + lookin at the exhaust-gases coming out. I had the confirmation that I needed from a very experienced person + all your posts. The procedure is very simple and no rocket-science at all : only you hae to know exactly what you are doing, that's all.

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2014
  • / STIHL hedgetrimmer HS82 T and R : carburator "H" screw setting???
My problem with the STIHL HS82R is finally solved - for me in my mind it is closed and mostly because of your posts and advises here in this thread. So I thank all the folks that have given good advise to me : it has helped to finally adjust the hedgetrimmer so that in my mind I have satisfaction.

I had tuned it much more leaner then it was (2.1/8 turns instead of 2.1/2) - but I did not dare to make it more leaner although it seemed to me that at 2 turns it was nearly perfect - but as non-experienced guy I did not dare to set it that low. Now I had "the specialist" let have a look at it and he has set it at 2 turns out. When you open the throttle at max. then you hear the rpm-limiter come in.

The "L" and "LA" screw were set very good - so I have no problems with setting these screws. Now I know that I can set the "H"-screw like it should by listening + lookin at the exhaust-gases coming out. I had the confirmation that I needed from a very experienced person + all your posts. The procedure is very simple and no rocket-science at all : only you hae to know exactly what you are doing, that's all.

Thanks again
I think I got a little confused by your numbers. You said you had it at 2 1/8 instead of 2 1/2 but you dare not go leaner.
Are we talking about turns out from the fully but lightly seated position? That's what we should be talking about and in this situation two and a half is richer than 2 and 1/8 not leaner.
The further out counterclockwise you turn it, the richer it gets.

Then when you said you dare not set it at two turns which does make sense because that would be the leanest of all the three settings.
Then when you sad the so-called expert set it at two turns I'm not surprised because they often will adjust these things for maximum rpm or what some of the manuals say and a certain slight specified RPM drop from maximum rpm.
The problem with this is they don't always specify which way to turn them and some people don't pay attention and maybe turning them in leaner to get that drop as opposed to outricher but even still...
I simply and not going to subscribe to or agree to that theory of going by an RPM drop because I would rather give my engines some extra cooling and lubrication from running a little bit rich even close to the edge of four stroking or the burble as I call it.
Let's just say if we find the area and let's say we look at it like the hands of a clock and 10:00 is where the verbal starts and 2:00 is where it starts to slow down because it's leaning out.
Right at 12:00 to 1:00 it will sound great and be running really strong but I would far rather back out the screw counterclockwise towards the rich side to 11 maybe even 10 and a half because I want to be pushing the rich side all the time.