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Sick with a cold again....

Plugged up nose, coughing, sore throat, just loving it.

Cutting grass when it's cold probably doesn't help either, lol.



mechanic mark

Vicks on chest, throat, & under nostrils, chicken noodle soup as hot as you can stand it, plenty of hot tea through out day. Hope you get well soon.




Vicks on chest, throat, & under nostrils, chicken noodle soup as hot as you can stand it, plenty of hot tea through out day. Hope you get well soon.

That's what I'm trying to do. Plus Robitussin. I honestly feel like I have Bronchitis again :(




Just got over it, lasted about 2 weeks with me. Not any fun when you have to go out and mow and bag leaves. Try a shot of whiskey:laughing:




Try a shot of whiskey:laughing:

No thanks, I'll stick to my vodka and grape juice :laughing:




No thanks, I'll stick to my vodka and grape juice :laughing:
Sounds good to me! :thumbsup:

I haven't had a bad cold in a while, I think the last time was in February/March this year and I was bedridden for a couple of days. Of course it doesn't help that I insist on carrying on as usual, including having my nightly whisky and cigar which probably doesn't help matters much!

If I were you I would just relax, in whatever way works best for you. I do believe that the body responds to your mental state so do with that what you wish.




The quickest way to get well is to rest, drink lots of water or juice, and eat as much as you want.
Taking over the counter or prescription medications can relieve symptoms but may prolong the recuperation as the mucous is there for a reason.
You should avoid alcoholic beverages and definitely don't drink to excess.
The symptoms should only last a few days. You should start to see improvement after 4-5 days. If you still have a fever after 2 days, or severe symptoms last more than a week, try to get to a doctor. Although, in most places it takes several weeks to get that done, so you'll probably be dead by the time you're of appointment anyway.
Have you been to Liberia, or Sierra Leone lately?




Seems every fall around late November I get sick. Pretty sure it is an allergy to the molds found in wet leaves, etc. Wore a mask 2 years ago and did not get sick for the first time in 10+ years. Didn't wear the mask last year and got sick again. Don't like the pink filters on the thing but it is the only thing that has worked.




Have you been to Liberia, or Sierra Leone lately?

I definitely do not have Ebola.




I definitely do not have Ebola.





You should avoid alcoholic beverages and definitely don't drink to excess.

I had a doctor give me that exact same advice.. After two weeks, I finally found another doctor..

Fine Irish Whisky cures a lot of things..




You should avoid alcoholic beverages and definitely don't drink to excess.

I had a doctor give me that exact same advice.. After two weeks, I finally found another doctor..

Fine Irish Whisky cures a lot of things..




I had a doctor give me that exact same advice.. After two weeks, I finally found another doctor..

Fine Irish Whisky cures a lot of things..

I know someone who drinks beer all the time and she never gets sick. Never.




I know someone who drinks beer all the time and she never gets sick. Never.

Might be an exception. Beer is mainly sugar. Sugar is no good for the body and when you get sick you have to stay away from it.




Of course it doesn't help that I insist on carrying on as usual, including having my nightly whisky and cigar which probably doesn't help matters much!

Are you old enough to smoke and drink????
From what I remember your a teenager. But in Europe all gloves are off.




...Sugar is no good for the body and when you get sick you have to stay away from it.

I'm a rebel, lol. I eat what I want anyways.




I know someone who drinks beer all the time and she never gets sick. Never.

There's always an exception....
That's like the uncle that lots of people had, that lived to be 100 and smoked 2 packs a day. I never met a smoker that lived to be very old but I've heard about them. I've met a my share with smoking related illness though. Plenty with lung disease.....

Anyone that drinks beer all the time probably doesn't go far, can't drive, and sits around by themselves all day. If your not exposed to the bacteria and viruses then your not as likely to get infected. She probably has a genetic advantage, a strong immune system, which allows her to drink a lot in the first place. That's why people with young children in school get sick often, the kids are exposed to the germs at school and bring it home to share with family.

There's a reason why alcohol is referred to as an intoxicant.....it's toxic.
Putting an intoxicant in your body when your sick can only boost your immune system if it helps you to sleep. Rest and sleep or the lack of it, is the biggest challenge for your immune system.
A healthy immune system is critical to good health and recuperation.
Take care of this and you won't be sick long.




I am seIdom sick or even have the sniffIes.
I think the Iast time i was to sick to work for a coupe days was at Ieast 8 years ago.

Sorry for the typo, i spiIIed a fuII mug of coffee over the Iaptop the other day, no harm done other than 2 dead keys :smile:
