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High Idle Speed On Model # 12AVB2AQ711 Mower With Honda GCV 160 Engine




My neighbor is having an issue with her push mower: https://www.lowes.com/pd/Troy-Bilt-...led-Gas-Lawn-Mower-with-Honda-Engine/50328177 the engine idle speed is too high. I still think it might be something fairly easy to fix, I'm just trying to get some feedback about the issue. I know running the engine @ higher than normal rpm is bad on the engine.




Usually a engine that is running too fast, is doing it because the governor is no longer governing the engine. I would first perform a simple governor adjustment.
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Don't worry much about the torquing the nut, just get it good and snug, and be extra careful when handling the governor shaft, as it could be pushed in and fall into the crankcase.




Thanks so much for your reply, I've always been pretty good at being able to figure things out, but I also know when to try and obtain help when I need it as well.




It is a sign of a smart person when they admit they need help sometimes. We ever know it all but there are folks that think they do out there. I ask help all the time when I need it.




It seems there are three kinds of people:

The type that have no mechanical ability and let their tech fix everything
The type that in some cases could put their mechanic to shame and can fix everything themselves.
And lastly the people that know enough to be dangerous and will try to fix it themselves until they royally screw it up and then expect their mechanic to undue their damage and then fix the problem.

The first two are fine, but the last one is the nightmares of techs.




Usually a engine that is running too fast, is doing it because the governor is no longer governing the engine. I would first perform a simple governor adjustment.
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Don't worry much about the torquing the nut, just get it good and snug, and be extra careful when handling the governor shaft, as it could be pushed in and fall into the crankcase.
Yesterday while I was trying to obtain some valid information this issue I think that I remember discovering an actual honda engine manual that had this same diagram shown in it, by chance is this what you used to display this image ? I'm also thinking that the carburetor might possibly be dirty / gummed up due to unleaded gasoline. My neighbor had her son try & look @ her mower over the weekend, he watched a couple video's on you tube about honda mower engines running too fast, I think that I remember him bending the governor arm just a little to put more slack in the governor spring. I don't think he hurt anything by doing that, of course your opinion is always welcome. Stay Safe !!




It was just the one page from honda, https://cf.hondappsv.com/files/OP/O...GCV135_160_190 GSV190 Engine Adjustment I.pdf
bending the governor arm forward, or back to adjust RPM faster or slower, shouldn't hurt anything, but it shouldn't take much of bend to make a noticeable change in RPM, so it kind of sounds like the Governor assembly inside the engine may be toast, but we'll confirm that when you adjust the governor per factory instructions.




It was just the one page from honda, https://cf.hondappsv.com/files/OP/OP000011GLOBAL/2010_11_08 General GCV135_160_190 GSV190 Engine Adjustment I.pdf
bending the governor arm forward, or back to adjust RPM faster or slower, shouldn't hurt anything, but it shouldn't take much of bend to make a noticeable change in RPM, so it kind of sounds like the Governor assembly inside the engine may be toast, but we'll confirm that when you adjust the governor per factory instructions.
I can't begin to tell you just how happy I am that I joined this message board when I did, I'm actually thinking that I need to participate more often so I might be able to help other people. As I retired from the retail sector (Lowe's Home Improvement), I've always enjoyed helping other people...not just when I was working. My wife & I retired in 12/2018, neither one of us miss working at all !!




Today I did my best to try and get my neighbors lawnmower to idle properly. I removed the carburetor twice, to me it seems like the throttle plate is gummed up / frozen in place. Trying to adjust the governor was a waste of time because it didn't seem to want to move at all. She's going to have to consult someone that has more knowledge about lawnmowers than I do. At least I made an effort to try and help her. Thanks again for all of your help. ?








I have always hated when I can't fix something, in the case of my neighbors lawnmower it was probably something obvious but I just didn't see it. I noticed when I loosened the nut on the governor shaft I didn't see any movement in the linkages..to me that's not a good sign. Who knows, I may decide to look at it a second time...I've never given up easily. I hope everyone has a great day/night..Stay Safe !
