Gas leaking into crankcase


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2015
Anyone who refuses to install an inline fuel shut off because of a new float needle, seat, NEW CARB, whatever and use it is being foolish. I have been at this for about 65 years and well speak from experience. Call it a band-aid if you wish, I call it being foolish to not use an insurance device. The local salvage yard is full of engines whose owner or repair person thought they knew better. You think your repaired carb will never leak is your repair better than the carb was when put out new? Do the carbs put out new ever leak? IF they never leaked then there would be no point in putting out repairs. Any repair person should know there is a constant possibility of small foreign particles getting under the float needle. These problems are much more prevalent today because the EPA made the mgf,s do away with the weep hole originally put in specifically to prevent oil contamination.



Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
You can call me the village idiot if you like, but it will not change what I do or how I do it. 90% of the people don't use shutoffs that are factory installed, why would they start when they are added to the line. Have I had carbs leak after repair, yes. Do new carbs leak, yes. Will I install a shutoff as "insurance", no. I also have as many years in this profession as you and in my experience have learned that customers want their equipment to be repaired right the first time. If you have to tell them that to prevent the problem from occurring again, all they have to do is remember to shut off the fuel line when they shut off the engine. This will not give them confidence in your repair work and they will not be back. If they forget, another oil change and down time for their unit. You are correct that they won't need to repair the carb if they install and use a shut off.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2015
Learning to use an inline shutoff is as simple as learning to use seat belts, people understand well when you show them the results, explain why it happens, the removal of weep holes, the use of smaller floats in present carbs and ethanol fuel affects has nothing to do with a repair tech, as they will understand. Often a leak is simply the result of a small partial getting under the float needle NOT the need of a carb overhaul.

Walt Conner