Grasshopper Owner Check-In --- Read This First!


Lawn Pro
May 5, 2010
I live on 80 acres in Kansas. I just play on it I say play I have 3 cats and 1 dog for my livestock. I mow about 5 acres with my 1822 grasshopper. My grasshopper is old and I have been throwing a lot of $ at my mower every season but my left wheel locked up last week and I think I will just bite the bullet and purchase a Dixie Chopper. I really like my grasshopper but I think it is time for a change and I like to go fast in everything I do.

Most Grasshoppers are Worth repairing, always...
If you are just wanting something new, the Dixie Chopper is a Great mower, not 'quite' as well built as the Grasshopper but it will also prove to be very repair. KennyV:smile:


Jul 3, 2016
Howdy all,

Well I posted a question in this forum first, and also one in the JD forum. However I do have an old, '93 720K. I'm currently learning just how hard it is to replace a Pillow Block Bearing. I purchased it in 2002, having roughly 720hrs. It has a 52" deck, and has been a real workhorse. I'm considering on getting something a little newer, perhaps one of the 600 series. I'll be perusing the forums, as it is a wealth of information.

My 720K


Apr 25, 2016
GREETINGS to all Grasshopper mower owners! :thumbsup:

If you're new to the forum, please reply to this thread and introduce yourself and your mower (that is, if your mower have a name :laughing:). maybe attach a photo or two of your mower and show off your pride and joy.

Also, if you haven't done so already you can upload a user avatar (picture under your user name). You can do so by clicking on settings and "edit avatar" or just click here.

Please be helpful and friendly to all other Grasshopper owners (how could you not, right?) and if you like this forum, tell your friends about it. :biggrin:

We want to make this the best resource for Grasshopper mower owners, and to do that we need your help! Questions? Experiences? Stories? Data? Photos? Articles? Links? Cool Grasshopper stuff? Post it here!

Last but not least, please let me know if you have any suggestions for the site. We'd love to hear them.

I have owned a Grasshopper for a couple of years now. It is a 721D with a 9561 deck. I love the front deck since I can mow under fences and trees. I regularly mow around 20 acres including an 8 acre vineyard and the grasshopper is a blessing! It is a 2004 model with a little over 1200 hours on it. I have a few problems with it from time to time but I mow fast and some times I hit a lot of sticks. Most of my problems are caused by mowing abuse. I don't think many mowers would stand up to this abuse. (I do all service and care on time or before). I bought it used and I am still finding problems left by the previous owner (city or state owned for my mower number is 65) North Texas is hot and dry the last part of summer and hot and wet the first part so my grasshopper really works. I have got it stuck in the mud a couple of times and had to use a come-along to get out. My Wife uses a residential Troybilt 50 inch and she has problems all the time and my diesel uses a lot less fuel. Later I will look for a deck that raises up all the way for easier blade changes and cleaning. I will post photos later


Forum Newbie
Aug 19, 2016
First time to forum as I am having trouble with my 1822. One hydro is weak so am looking for help.
the guy I bought it off of has the manuals and promised to mail them to me. Still waiting. :laughing:Got my 1822 with the bagger as I use clippings to mulch garden. Really fast at dumping and back to mowing. Now off to find answers.


Forum Newbie
Jan 19, 2017
Hello Everyone,

I just picked up my 05 GH 727k2 today. It has the 72" deck, 60" power angle sweepster broom, and cab. I'll post pictures after I get it cleaned up.
I want to thank all the grasshopper owners that post to this forum. This is where google sent me for most of my searches when trying to decide which mower to buy.
I can't wait till spring when I can cut grass with this thing, but first I'll get the cab and broom on so I'm ready for the snow.


Forum Newbie
Feb 1, 2017
Bought a 1993 Woods 5215 (Aka 721D) with 806 hrs this weekend. Gonna see how long these things can last.


Forum Newbie
Nov 10, 2013

The Kubota diesel in that mower should last 3000 hours or better with regular service. I've never had a Woods, only my Grasshopper 721D. It had 750 hours on it when I bought it. It's got nearly 2000 hours on it now and no sign of trouble. Great on fuel. Doesn't burn or leak any oil. Sounds as good as it did the day I bought it. It's a 96 model with the original Gemini drives. No sign of weakness there either. I have a 61 inch deck, cab, snow blower, 4 foot Little Bully blade, and a 6 foot Sweepster. I use it year 'round. And all of it works great. I added a frost plug heater and a magnetic oil pan heater to make winter starting easier. The way it's going, it may well last the rest of my days.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011

The Kubota diesel in that mower should last 3000 hours or better with regular service. I've never had a Woods, only my Grasshopper 721D. It had 750 hours on it when I bought it. It's got nearly 2000 hours on it now and no sign of trouble. Great on fuel. Doesn't burn or leak any oil. Sounds as good as it did the day I bought it. It's a 96 model with the original Gemini drives. No sign of weakness there either. I have a 61 inch deck, cab, snow blower, 4 foot Little Bully blade, and a 6 foot Sweepster. I use it year 'round. And all of it works great. I added a frost plug heater and a magnetic oil pan heater to make winter starting easier. The way it's going, it may well last the rest of my days.


Cold starts on a diesel are tough, I the frost plug heater and the magnetic oil pan heater are excellent investments. I can guarantee that you've extended the life many times with the amount of cold starts you must have using it all winter.

I have a snow blower for my 725D and have thought of purchasing the rotary broom, can you tell me what you experiences have been with the broom?


Forum Newbie
Nov 10, 2013

Cold starts on a diesel are tough, I the frost plug heater and the magnetic oil pan heater are excellent investments. I can guarantee that you've extended the life many times with the amount of cold starts you must have using it all winter.

I have a snow blower for my 725D and have thought of purchasing the rotary broom, can you tell me what you experiences have been with the broom?

I live on a gravel lane and the snow plow plows rocks and gravel into my yard. The broom works wonders in the spring to sweep all that gravel right back out into the lane. Also, I use it to sweep up under my black walnut trees; no more picking up walnuts. Also, I use it at least once a year over the entire lawn to remove thatch. Works fantastic. If you get one, just throttle it down so as not to unnecessarily heat up the broom bristles and overwork the gearbox. Higher speeds only raise up a bigger cloud of dust anyway. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
I live on a gravel lane and the snow plow plows rocks and gravel into my yard. The broom works wonders in the spring to sweep all that gravel right back out into the lane. Also, I use it to sweep up under my black walnut trees; no more picking up walnuts. Also, I use it at least once a year over the entire lawn to remove thatch. Works fantastic. If you get one, just throttle it down so as not to unnecessarily heat up the broom bristles and overwork the gearbox. Higher speeds only raise up a bigger cloud of dust anyway. Good luck.

Thanks for the reply, That's interesting using it in the yard I live along a paved street on a hill where they spread a lot of gravel then plow that gravel into the yard the next snow, I have to rake every spring I really like the idea of the broom for that problem.

I have a sweepster from back in the 70's that come off a John Deere lawn tractor, I picked it up very reasonable but have never tried to fabricate a Grasshopper mount. Maybe I should sell it to a J.D. guy and buy a news one with the right mount.