The Daily Yardman Thread

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Ain't it nice to be retired, no more Mondays just 7 Saturdays now !! ..:thumbsup: ..

I dunno Boo, I used to work twice as hard on Saturdays as I did all week and it seems that I've carried that attitude into retirement, now I work that hard seven days a week! (Not really true, some days I don't do a damn thing!)

To kinda blow yer skirt up a little more, it isn't just that you know where to find a manual or description for whatever it is you're working on, but that you actually understand it! I read some of that schitt twice and still say WTF??? (By the way, WTF means "Wheels That Fail", it's a TV show and I've seen it!)

Making black berry jelly this morning. I picked 8-1/2 pounds of berries yesterday! Finally had a decent day to pick. That makes about 12-13 pounds so far and lots of berries still coming.

Tomorrow is FREE Day for Vets at the Union Fair, we'll be heading up that way right after I get in from hauling traps... Hope ya'all have a fine Navy Day today..


PS. When is Bert supposed to be back from raiding Melbourne?


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I dunno Boo, I used to work twice as hard on Saturdays as I did all week and it seems that I've carried that attitude into retirement, now I work that hard seven days a week! (Not really true, some days I don't do a damn thing!)

To kinda blow yer skirt up a little more, it isn't just that you know where to find a manual or description for whatever it is you're working on, but that you actually understand it! I read some of that schitt twice and still say WTF??? (By the way, WTF means "Wheels That Fail", it's a TV show and I've seen it!)

Making black berry jelly this morning. I picked 8-1/2 pounds of berries yesterday! Finally had a decent day to pick. That makes about 12-13 pounds so far and lots of berries still coming.

Tomorrow is FREE Day for Vets at the Union Fair, we'll be heading up that way right after I get in from hauling traps... Hope ya'all have a fine Navy Day today..


PS. When is Bert supposed to be back from raiding Melbourne?

He said he was taking a WEEK off , how long is a week in Australia ?? ..:laughing: ..:laughing:

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

He said he was taking a WEEK off , how long is a week in Australia ?? ..:laughing: ..:laughing:

Knowing Aussies as little as I do, probably eight or nine days!! LOL...


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Knowing Aussies as little as I do, probably eight or nine days!! LOL...

Heard someone say it's a week when you run out of money ..???

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Black Berry Jelly

here are some hints for anyone interested in making Black Berry jelly.

Of course the secret is separating the black berry juice from the black berries themselves! (You 'could' make black berry jam, and use the whole berry, but there are so many seeds no one will eat it.)

So the trick is to s-l-o-w-l-y simmer the berries in a large pot until they sort of fall apart, then pour the resulting mash into a cheesecloth bag and hang it over night allowing the juice to drip out into a container. Then using a typical berry jelly recipe, make jelly. (Recipe: 3-1/2 cups of juice, 1 - box of pectin, 5 - cups of sugar. Makes about three pints.)

Here are things that you MUST NOT DO!! No matter how much you want to increase the amount of juice you get. DO NOT mash the berries while they are simmering.. Also do not use an egg beater or even a steel spoon to help break them down. Just simmer them slowly, but no longer than is absolutely necessary.

When the mash is in the bag - DO NOT Squeeze the bag to obtain more juice!! Let it drip out on it's own..

Now, you may want to know WHY you should not do any of these things.. It's because the seeds will make the juice so bitter that again, no one will eat it!!

Yesterday I thought that gently operating a hand powered egg beater wouldn't hurt anything.. Well, I was wrong! I just wasted two quarts of black berry juice, not to mention over 3 hours of picking, five cups of sugar and the box of pectin that I used to make the first batch with.. Fortunately I have a buddy who makes blackberry wine and bitter juice doesn't hurt his wine at all, so he's the one who will benefit from all of yesterday's berry picking! Bugger!! I often wonder if I will ever learn to leave well enough alone!?!?! It's painful to still be a dumbass at this advanced age!!



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: Black Berry Jelly

here are some hints for anyone interested in making Black Berry jelly.

Of course the secret is separating the black berry juice from the black berries themselves! (You 'could' make black berry jam, and use the whole berry, but there are so many seeds no one will eat it.)

So the trick is to s-l-o-w-l-y simmer the berries in a large pot until they sort of fall apart, then pour the resulting mash into a cheesecloth bag and hang it over night allowing the juice to drip out into a container. Then using a typical berry jelly recipe, make jelly. (Recipe: 3-1/2 cups of juice, 1 - box of pectin, 5 - cups of sugar. Makes about three pints.)

Here are things that you MUST NOT DO!! No matter how much you want to increase the amount of juice you get. DO NOT mash the berries while they are simmering.. Also do not use an egg beater or even a steel spoon to help break them down. Just simmer them slowly, but no longer than is absolutely necessary.

When the mash is in the bag - DO NOT Squeeze the bag to obtain more juice!! Let it drip out on it's own..

Now, you may want to know WHY you should not do any of these things.. It's because the seeds will make the juice so bitter that again, no one will eat it!!

Yesterday I thought that gently operating a hand powered egg beater wouldn't hurt anything.. Well, I was wrong! I just wasted two quarts of black berry juice, not to mention over 3 hours of picking, five cups of sugar and the box of pectin that I used to make the first batch with.. Fortunately I have a buddy who makes blackberry wine and bitter juice doesn't hurt his wine at all, so he's the one who will benefit from all of yesterday's berry picking! Bugger!! I often wonder if I will ever learn to leave well enough alone!?!?! It's painful to still be a dumbass at this advanced age!!


OK all you guys, ROGER has definitely LOST IT !!! ...RECIPES !! I guess tomorrow, we'll get lessons in dress-making 101 Of course I know MEN are GREAT chef's ! , great Steaks, fabulous Chili, the best Burgers, even fabulous Hot-Dogs and of course the world's most scrumptious Pastries..BUT Jelly ..?? ..:laughing: ..:laughing:

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: Black Berry Jelly

OK all you guys, ROGER has definitely LOST IT !!! ...RECIPES !! We get lessons in Jelly-making..?? ..:laughing: ..:laughing:

So, you don't like jelly? You know how cheap I am, why buy something that you can make yourself? Usually home-made is far better than store bought... (But not when you screw up and make the jelly so bitter nobody would eat it!!) I'm really bummed buddy, don't pick on me... I haven't done a single thing all day today but sit around and mope...

I feel like Bert and his concrete saw... Only I screwed this up and the pisser is I knew better!

Hey I make some of the best corn meal muffins you'll ever eat, you want that recipe?? (I am very domesticated, for an old fart..)

Roger (The cook!)


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Why Roger I didn't know folks in Maine liked corn meal muffins. I thought that was for us folks in the south.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Hey James, Roger is a Southern Rebel at heart, he still has a pile of Confederate money and a banner that reads "The South Will Rise Again" !!! ..:laughing: ..:laughing:


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Hey James, Roger is a Southern Rebel at heart, he still has a pile of Confederate money and a banner that reads "The South Will Rise Again" !!! ..:laughing: ..:laughing:

Oh My I didn't know that :confused2: Thanks for giving me a heads up.