The Daily Yardman Thread

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016

Thanks! But, I am only half-right!
the rest of me is...what's left.........('cept for that which exists in the middle.....)

'Tis far better to be "half-right" than to be half-assed!

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I just encountered something different (no. NOT you.Boo !)

I installed a new ballast in a fluorescent 2 lamp fixture in which the old ballast had 2 red wires,2 blue wires, and 2 yellow wires (in addition, of course,
to a black and white power wires.)
The ballast was wired with 2 red wires to head socket #1; the 2 blue wires to head socket #2, and the 2 yellow wires to one tail socket and jumper wired to the other tail socket.

Every other ballast I have run across only has 1 wire per socket.
That is how I wired the new ballast, and everything works fine.

Anybody else ever seen that??


What you are dealing with is one of the old 'Magnetic' ballasts. The new 'Electronic' ballasts only use a single wire to the ends of the lamps, rather than a wire to each pin of each set of lamps. Kinda magic ain't it?? Did you note how the new ballast only weighed about half of what the original one did? Nothin' inside 'em! It IS magic...


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Tree Growth

They are called paulowna trees.
You rent a big block of land and plant a lot of saplings then you sell these valuable tree's timber futures to unsuspecting mugs on a share farming basis.
Tree will grow 10 to 20 foot a year so you can suck in a lot of mugs , then after 7 years grab the money & run.


Up in this neck of the woods (and also down where Boo-Boo lives) we call that "putting your land into Tree Growth". It reduces your taxes as well as providing you an income when the trees mature. Down South they mostly plant Loblolly (or long-leaf) Pine, up here it is either Red Pine or White Pine..


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016

it's my crap, all my crap, mine mine mine..............(in Daffy Duck voice)

Yes it is!! And you are a lucky boy to have so much wonderful crap, too!! We should ALL be that lucky!!

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
A return to the fold

Good to see Boux and Studebaker-Man back on here again.. You're right Boo, things are always better when everybody chimes in and contributes to the days conversation...

Thanks guys, we appreciate your input..

Oh! Boo-Boo - glad to see my Yankee background is rubbing off on you and you dickered with that guy and got your new engine for $25 less than he was asking.. Now if you were 'really good', you might have gotten it for half price.. Carburetor springs and regulators are expensive parts for an engine that was advertised as "complete"!! Ya gotta hang tough..

The friggin' snow couldn't wait until Wednesday, we're getting plastered again this morning!! Hell, I'll have to put skis on my boat trailer to get it out of here!!



Lawn Addict
Apr 8, 2016
Ahh, Good Old American Manufacturing...

We've had Lay-Z-Boy recliners that used to be in the Fla. home theater for 8 years now.
Ever since relatively new (saw limited use in the HT) my chair has shown a deflection in the
side support structure for the backrest, due to the lopsided manner in which I sit in the chair.
Since moving 3 years ago, they have been put into daily use.
This problem had grown steadily worse til I decided to do something abut it today.
After studying online videos about how to remove the rear upholstery, I got at it.
Simple enough: remove the 500 staples at the bottom, then pry up the tack strips securing the fabric at the sides.
I found more or less what I had expected: a side frame member had separated from the main frame.
What I DIDN'T find was a bit amazing: the brace had been attached to the main frame by (in theory) only 2 staples.
NO glue or other gussets.
I say, 2 staples, but there was only 1! There was an impression from the staple gun driving a staple, but I guess the gun had RUN OUT !
So, there was only 1 staple trying to hold the brace on, and, it didn't do a very good job!
Probably asking way too much of 1 staple. (or 2 or 3.......)
Some wood glue, a few 2" deck screws,and 500 new fabric staples, and the chair is back in service........
I reinforced a couple other joints as well.

Now I need to mount the chair on my Hustler..........


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: Ahh, Good Old American Manufacturing...

We've had Lay-Z-Boy recliners that used to be in the Fla. home theater for 8 years now.
Ever since relatively new (saw limited use in the HT) my chair has shown a deflection in the
side support structure for the backrest, due to the lopsided manner in which I sit in the chair.
Since moving 3 years ago, they have been put into daily use.
This problem had grown steadily worse til I decided to do something abut it today.
After studying online videos about how to remove the rear upholstery, I got at it.
Simple enough: remove the 500 staples at the bottom, then pry up the tack strips securing the fabric at the sides.
I found more or less what I had expected: a side frame member had separated from the main frame.
What I DIDN'T find was a bit amazing: the brace had been attached to the main frame by (in theory) only 2 staples.
NO glue or other gussets.
I say, 2 staples, but there was only 1! There was an impression from the staple gun driving a staple, but I guess the gun had RUN OUT !
So, there was only 1 staple trying to hold the brace on, and, it didn't do a very good job!
Probably asking way too much of 1 staple. (or 2 or 3.......)
Some wood glue, a few 2" deck screws,and 500 new fabric staples, and the chair is back in service........
I reinforced a couple other joints as well.

Now I need to mount the chair on my Hustler..........

What you need on your Hustler, is a remote-controlled Ejection-Seat, with ME holding the remote !! .. :laughing:..:laughing:


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: Tree Growth


Up in this neck of the woods (and also down where Boo-Boo lives) we call that "putting your land into Tree Growth". It reduces your taxes as well as providing you an income when the trees mature. Down South they mostly plant Loblolly (or long-leaf) Pine, up here it is either Red Pine or White Pine..


When I said "grab the money & run" I was not talking about cutting the trees & selling the lumber.
I was talking about declaring bankruptcy and leaving the "share farmers" with trees that never mature in a timber market where China floods the market with 500 year old trees that are 200' tall.
Paulowna grows very strongly for the first 5-8 years but reaches minimum harvestable size after 20 years. However it grows very fast in the juvenile phase thus you can issue a prospectus with predictions of an 8 -10 year harvest cycle that can not be attained but on past growth looks feasible. And even if harvested will be 100 times dearer than the natural forrest tress clear felled in China with next to free labour.
Fine carpentry is done with 200 year old wood and New" wood ( less than 100 years old ) is only used for chopsticks.

Down here it was popular with nuserys , sold as the "Chinese Flagpole Tree"as you can get 10-20' height a year for the first 5 years, but no girth.
Thus it was (still is ) the perfect scam timber project tree and the courts down here offically called it the "Money Tree"


Lawn Addict
Apr 8, 2016
Re: Ahh, Good Old American Manufacturing...

What you need on your Hustler, is a remote-controlled Ejection-Seat, with ME holding the remote !! .. :laughing:..:laughing:

Nice guy!

I would probably suffer "premature ejection..."


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: Ahh, Good Old American Manufacturing...

Nice guy!

I would probably suffer "premature ejection..."

You must need glasses, I said,.. EJECTION-SEAT, .. NOT ejaculation-seat !! ..:laughing:..:laughing:..:laughing: