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  1. P


    Does your landscaping interfere with your mowing? We have a shed and a playhouse that sometimes get in the way, but mostly we keep stuff on the edges.
  2. P

    Ground cover?

    How about that low ground cover that you can walk on? Would that be hardy enough for a lawn? And am I right that it wouldn't have to be mowed?
  3. P

    Cutting tree limbs

    What is the best way to remove extra tree limbs? Is the chainsaw the best plan or would we be better off using a hand saw, or is there another way altogether?
  4. P

    I love dandelions!

    Not only are they pretty & prolific, they are also practically perfect as a food source. Did you know that every part of a dandelion is edible and nutritious?
  5. P

    Cut tires for mulch

    My neighbor has recently redone all his mulch with that tire-cut stuff. I think I would like to try to do that with my areas. Anybody done this yet?
  6. P


    I really want to put a privacy fence around the back yard. The problem is, we live on a corner and because of that, the back yard is considered a "front yard" because it fronts the road. What do you suggest for a fence? We really don't like chain link, particularly.
  7. P

    My yard has a lot of shade

    We have a big pine tree in the front yard and about eight trees in the back yard, resulting in a lot of shade (and a lot of mud!). What can I put under the trees that will grow well in shade - or should I just mulch around them for 3-4 feet?
  8. P

    Mulch around trees and bushes

    I'm wanting to improve how my yard looks. I have a couple trees and some bushes. The trees are out toward the edge of the yard, and the bushes are up by the house. I am hoping to get some sort of edging and delineate the area a little and fill in the sections with mulch or something. Do you have...
  9. P

    Contracts for snow removal

    The winter I was 12, my brother (13) and I - living in upstate New York - decided to shovel for our neighbors by contract. We wrote it up and sold it to 4-5 neighbors. The deal was, they paid us a set amount for the month, and we would shovel their walk by 7am any time it snowed. Well, the first...
  10. P

    Hi from the Deep South!

    Well, it hasn't happened in 13 years, but here in the deep south, we got some big snow this year! Over half a foot! It's great! Except that I lack the equipment to clear it away, but that's a minor thing, really, since it is likely to melt in the next week.