Pulled out the axle. OOOPS


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
LTX1046VT. Model number 13VR91AT009

Rear wheel stuck to the axle. After a little prying and pulling, I sprayed some liquid wrench on the front and back and let it set for a few hours. Well, I beat on it with a rubber mallet a few times from behind, with no success. So, I whacked it a good one. But the entire axle came out, instead of just the wheel.

Where do I go from here? I have another trans I can put in it. But would like to save this one.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Never beat off a wheel.
The only thing that holds it in is either an E clip or a round wire gear retainer.
Both bear against a thrust washer on the alloy case.
You now have a very big job ahead of you
The tranny has to come out be cleaned spotless split the busted fastener found new one + new thrust washer fitted then the whole thing put back together.
This is assuming that the slot in the axel is in a servicable condition.

In future put a pair of scissor jacks behind the wheel and do them up bu hand to put a load on the wheel.
next attack the axel with ah air hammer and put some weight behind it.
When the jacks get loose & drop a bit, tighten them up some more.
Repeat as necessary
Some wheels have taken a full day to get off but that is a lot less time effort & money than you are about to spend now.
Heat works a treat as does tapping the key in with a pin punch.
Most of the rust will be around the key slot.

In the worst case you will need to heat it with a torch to red hot which means you then will have to paint both rear wheels.
Having done this once you will become anal about removing rear wheels & greasing the axels with every service.

Taryl Fixes All has a good You tube vid on it.
I use the air hammer all the time now and rarely ever reach for the pullers.
Even on flywheels.
3,000 little taps a minute works a lot better than a well placed smack with the No 9 hammer & hope you don't miss.
Bought a stack of pointy ends for the hammer then ground them round to fit various engines.
Works a treat on chain saws & blowers too


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Never beat off a wheel.
The only thing that holds it in is either an E clip or a round wire gear retainer.
Both bear against a thrust washer on the alloy case.
You now have a very big job ahead of you
The tranny has to come out be cleaned spotless split the busted fastener found new one + new thrust washer fitted then the whole thing put back together.
This is assuming that the slot in the axel is in a servicable condition.

In future put a pair of scissor jacks behind the wheel and do them up bu hand to put a load on the wheel.
next attack the axel with ah air hammer and put some weight behind it.
When the jacks get loose & drop a bit, tighten them up some more.
Repeat as necessary
Some wheels have taken a full day to get off but that is a lot less time effort & money than you are about to spend now.
Heat works a treat as does tapping the key in with a pin punch.
Most of the rust will be around the key slot.

In the worst case you will need to heat it with a torch to red hot which means you then will have to paint both rear wheels.
Having done this once you will become anal about removing rear wheels & greasing the axels with every service.

Taryl Fixes All has a good You tube vid on it.
I use the air hammer all the time now and rarely ever reach for the pullers.
Even on flywheels.
3,000 little taps a minute works a lot better than a well placed smack with the No 9 hammer & hope you don't miss.
Bought a stack of pointy ends for the hammer then ground them round to fit various engines.
Works a treat on chain saws & blowers too

About getting this wheel off the axel.

I tilted the mower enough to hold most of the fluid. Then pulled the wheel and axle out. put in on a stand where I could use the air hammer (on a screw) on it. I heated it til it was red, then hammered. And hammered. Heated and hammered about 3 times. That sucker is in there.

Bout to take the trans out.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Did you try heating dull red then quenching a few time to break the rust bond ?
Never had one that wouls not hammer out.
The one catch is you have to lay into the hammer so it never looses contact with the axel.thus you are pressing down with your body weight and the hammering is just providing shock loads.
If you allow the hammer to strike the end of the axel it can mushroom out the axel turning it into a big rivet.
Last resort is to pull the tyre & mount it in a press .
make a tool that is just smaller than the axel put a lot of load on it then apply heat.
If there is enough space behind the wheel to get a punch in you can try to knock the key out.
Only on one occasion did I have to pull an axel out but that mower lived outdoors and the axel when it came out was rusted beyond use so it was just a matter of trying to save the wheel.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Did you try heating dull red then quenching a few time to break the rust bond ?
Never had one that wouls not hammer out.
The one catch is you have to lay into the hammer so it never looses contact with the axel.thus you are pressing down with your body weight and the hammering is just providing shock loads.
If you allow the hammer to strike the end of the axel it can mushroom out the axel turning it into a big rivet.
Last resort is to pull the tyre & mount it in a press .
make a tool that is just smaller than the axel put a lot of load on it then apply heat.
If there is enough space behind the wheel to get a punch in you can try to knock the key out.
Only on one occasion did I have to pull an axel out but that mower lived outdoors and the axel when it came out was rusted beyond use so it was just a matter of trying to save the wheel.

I replaced the customers trans. Now I have the tire off and can try heating it up, then cooling it off with water a few times.

I sure learned by lesson about trying to beat a wheel off.