Deck lift issue


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
The deck m height changes the position of the deck pulleys with respect to the engine pulley.
Usually they are in alignment at the middle cutting height.
That will be the height that the belt will be slackest .
As you go up or down the pulleys go out of alignment so the distance between the pulleys increases and the belt will be at the tightest.

When the blades are not spinning the belt has to go slack so it can slip on the engine pulley
When the blades are engaged then the belt goes tight.

If yours is slack in the engaged position then
1) belt is on wrong
2) tension spring is in wrong position
3) tensioning arm pivot is flogged out oval or is fouling on the deck
4) engagement lever is flogged out
5) engagement cable is stretched, in the wrong place or broken