Suggestion Box: How can we make this site better?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Well it would be nice if this site had a "Like" button :) Unless I'm not seeing it :) I know you have the ":thumbsup:" but that's in a post.

No it would not.
If you need that sort of self gratification go to Feaces Book.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015

Yeah, it might be nice if we could edit the header block of a post, much like the body, in case we goof-up ( guilty party speaking ) several times I've screwed up and could not find a way to change the header of my post, did I miss something ..?? .. :confused2:


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
No it would not.
If you need that sort of self gratification go to Feaces Book.

Well, 99.9999999% of forums i see all have like buttons.

And how is it "self gratification"


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Well, 99.9999999% of forums i see all have like buttons.

And how is it "self gratification"

Because it invites people to post in order to get a lot more likes rather than to answer the actual post.
Then it become competative like "who has the most Farce Book Friends" and starts to imply a correctness in numbers so a wrong reply with a lot of likes gets considered as a gospel truth.
Search engines use the "like" feature to rank searches so in place of finding the answer you wanted you get the responses with the most key words & likes.

A LIKE function is part of the soft wear package and Microsloth were the first to use it.
As to weather the forums you visit has it or not, it is just random as to what package they are using I run 3 and we do not have likes at all.
Further more a response must have a minimum of 10 words in it.
This keeps the responses down to those who are actually answering the question or questions that arose from the original question.
Mission creep is oft quite interesting even if it strays a bit off topic.

Go over to My Tractor Forum and try to follow a thread.
one question , 3 appropriate answers and 15 pages of "Me Too's" which makes it hard to follow a topic.
There is a sort of unoffical proticol that happens here and perhaps you have noticed that only 1 tech answers a question in most cases.
We tend to let them sit for a while to allow every one to post a solution then if needed jump in.
Thus people like Engine man, Rivets, Ilengine, Renyolson, Mechanic Mark, Tinker etc rarely post on the same thread ( sorry for the others that do not come to mind right now ).

Retirees with nothing to do with their time , like Boo seem to want to respond to everything which would be fine if he remembered we are not the grandkids , limited them to text and stopped pasting in all the silly images.
OTOH his searches are getting better.

A part of adding Likes is also adding Dislikes and once you do that you invite trolls .
You also bring in emotions, some of which can be very strong,
The NRA poll is a good example as there are people who believe the NRA is up there right next to St Peter at the pearly gates and others who believe that are the devil himself walking the earth.
So one side sees it as their partiotic duty to dislike every post every person made who did not praise the NRA and of course the other side then feels duty bound to do the opposite.
Look at all the "Don't buy ( insert any brand you like ) because they are all junk" posts that turn up because some one feels agrieved.
If you follow all of the new posts you will see about 1/2 of these posters will go through the archives and post a disparaging remark about that product or company even if they are 10 years old.

Then because you Disliked my post I feel I have the right to respond and very soon the forum ends up worse than Twatter as you defend your position & I counter you defence and on & on it goes.

Without Likes & dislikes posts stand upon the merit of what is on the page and not what "SCORE" it got
Thus people have to look at what is written and make a decision for themselves which is how it should be.
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Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
Because it invites people to post in order to get a lot more likes rather than to answer the actual post

But just because you post something, and the like system is enabled, doesn't mean another person is going to "Like it" for no dang reason at all, unless they Actually "LIKE IT".


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
"Craftsman mower not cutting good"

John Doe: ''Have you sharpened the blades?''

And i or someone agreed with that post instead of posting "I agree with you so and so, that could be it " and have the topic creator see the reply in a notification and hoping its the solution, i would just like the post/ stating i agree with him.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
"Craftsman mower not cutting good"

John Doe: ''Have you sharpened the blades?''

And i or someone agreed with that post instead of posting "I agree with you so and so, that could be it " and have the topic creator see the reply in a notification and hoping its the solution, i would just like the post/ stating i agree with him.

That is the whole point we don't need or want to know if you or me agrees with what has been written or disagrees.
No point in adding more weight to any answer, it will either be right or wrong.
Next are you agreeing with what I said or how I said it or just trolling me cause you think I am a moron or agree because you think I am the god of small engines ?
And then a answer can be right for the symptoms but wrong for the instance.

From your example above
Not cutting good ?
Sloped , scalping, leaving rooster tails, leaving clumps, leaving windrows ?

So I dislike your answer , not because it is wrong but because the first answer should have been,

We did not get enough information , what do you mean by not cutting good ?
Before you fix a problem you need to systematically diagnose it.

Now the blades could very well have been dull but the posters problem could be he could not afford the machine so is running it at 1/2 speed to "protect the engine " ( actually happened).

Or worse you get 25 dislikes and the problem end up being he is running blades that are dull, worn short bent & chipped.
The you feel pissed cause 3 days leatter you are found to have guessed the problem correctly from the start.

Then in place of working through in a logical & ordered fashion the OP jumps around from place to pace according to the number of likes.

Thus the very first thing he will do is remove, replace or bypass the seat switch cause everything is the fault of the seat switch.
Then all of the belts followed by the springs then pulleys .

I went to a new custome who had just spent $ 250 on new belts because a local forum ( that I have nothing to do with ) had told him to replace the belts.
So I got there to find he had paid top dollar to get new belts to replace perfectly good belts and his problem was his son had sharpened the wrong side of the mulching blades ( following instruction to sharpen the blades ) and then installed them upside down


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
On the internet, no ones opinions or answers should have any more weight than any one elses.
I could be a small engine repairer
I could be a 12 Y.o girl who gets he jollies by fooling grown up that she is a 4 y/o man.
I could be any one or any thing.

Thus what is written should be at the descresion of the original poster to accept or disregard.
Adding more weight via a dozen "me too" posts or 1000 likes is pointless.
Look at all the posters who come here after replacing a lot of parts that have nothing to do with their problem because a friend told them he did that & it fixed his mower.
I am on a lot of mower forums, chainsaw forums and similar places, including My Tractor.
I gave up posting there because of all of the clown who feel obilged to add "me too" posts which of course make the OP go & do what ever was the target of all of the Me Toos and in more than 1/2 the posts it was wrong.
The right answer is on reply 4 but the 25 me toos have pushed it back that far it is lost.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Because it invites people to post in order to get a lot more likes rather than to answer the actual post.
Then it become competative like "who has the most Farce Book Friends" and starts to imply a correctness in numbers so a wrong reply with a lot of likes gets considered as a gospel truth.
Search engines use the "like" feature to rank searches so in place of finding the answer you wanted you get the responses with the most key words & likes.

A LIKE function is part of the soft wear package and Microsloth were the first to use it.
As to weather the forums you visit has it or not, it is just random as to what package they are using I run 3 and we do not have likes at all.
Further more a response must have a minimum of 10 words in it.
This keeps the responses down to those who are actually answering the question or questions that arose from the original question.
Mission creep is oft quite interesting even if it strays a bit off topic.

Go over to My Tractor Forum and try to follow a thread.
one question , 3 appropriate answers and 15 pages of "Me Too's" which makes it hard to follow a topic.
There is a sort of unoffical proticol that happens here and perhaps you have noticed that only 1 tech answers a question in most cases.
We tend to let them sit for a while to allow every one to post a solution then if needed jump in.
Thus people like Engine man, Rivets, Ilengine, Renyolson, Mechanic Mark, Tinker etc rarely post on the same thread ( sorry for the others that do not come to mind right now ).

Retirees with nothing to do with their time , like Boo seem to want to respond to everything which would be fine if he remembered we are not the grandkids , limited them to text and stopped pasting in all the silly images.
OTOH his searches are getting better.

A part of adding Likes is also adding Dislikes and once you do that you invite trolls .
You also bring in emotions, some of which can be very strong,
The NRA poll is a good example as there are people who believe the NRA is up there right next to St Peter at the pearly gates and others who believe that are the devil himself walking the earth.
So one side sees it as their partiotic duty to dislike every post every person made who did not praise the NRA and of course the other side then feels duty bound to do the opposite.
Look at all the "Don't buy ( insert any brand you like ) because they are all junk" posts that turn up because some one feels agrieved.
If you follow all of the new posts you will see about 1/2 of these posters will go through the archives and post a disparaging remark about that product or company even if they are 10 years old.

Then because you Disliked my post I feel I have the right to respond and very soon the forum ends up worse than Twatter as you defend your position & I counter you defence and on & on it goes.

Without Likes & dislikes posts stand upon the merit of what is on the page and not what "SCORE" it got
Thus people have to look at what is written and make a decision for themselves which is how it should be.

AHHhh well I'm glad to see I "sand-papered" your ARSE Bert, Glad to see I get under YOUR skin, did I tarnish your big GOLDEN "Look at ME Star" I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING !! ..?? YEAH Bert, I do WHAT I can, and I have a ball doin it . I guess you're regretful YOU are NOT retired .. TUFF schitt Bert, live with it, YOU would not believe the number of people you have pissed-off on this site with some of YOUR smart-arse babblings, I can fling barbs all day with ya, but since you're NOT retired, you need to get back to work..:rolleyes:


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
AHHhh well I'm glad to see I "sand-papered" your ARSE Bert, Glad to see I get under YOUR skin, did I tarnish your big GOLDEN "Look at ME Star" I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING !! ..?? YEAH Bert, I do WHAT I can, and I have a ball doin it . I guess you're regretful YOU are NOT retired .. TUFF schitt Bert, live with it, YOU would not believe the number of people you have pissed-off on this site with some of YOUR smart-arse babblings, I can fling barbs all day with ya, but since you're NOT retired, you need to get back to work..:rolleyes:

And Scrubby, you now see why likes & dislikes are not a good idea.
They encourage emotion into something that should not have any and do not add anything useful to either the original poster or subsequent searchers.
Me too's are of far more use because they are clear that you agree with the previous post ( only if they are a reply with quote ) but again if some one has to be told the same thing by more than 1 person before they take heed of the advice then they are wasting their time and every one else's .
Another thing I failed to mention was stalkers. I have a friend who published a factual & correct report that got up the nose of some people ( it also cost them a lot of money ) so they stalked him on the web and every where that they could identify him posted adverse comments, cast doubt on his competiance & integrity including some forums where they went through and disliked or disagreed each & every post he made to the point that he stopped posting on several forums where he was the lead poster and the most qualified person in the world to post. This of course then deprived you & me from access to the brain of a person with multiple Phd's that if consulted through normal channels would cost thousands.
Without likes / dislikes - agree / disagree discenters have to post and thus identify themselves so future readers will see the same poster being negative and realise it is personnal thus nothing to do with the topic or post and a good moderator will recognise this behavour and delete all of morons work.
As you have seen, Boo thinks my post was out of line and has expressed his opinion in his own funny way which will be clear to any one else who reads this thread. They might miss the tongue in cheek jibes because they don't know Boo & I are good cyber friends but the important thing is the source is identifiable , exactly what they are objecting to also is and not just an anonymous ambiguous X or + .
And Boo, I love you too XXXXXXXX, go rock on your chair:rolleyes: