This is what happens when you overcharge a lead acid battery


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / This is what happens when you overcharge a lead acid battery
And just like the embedded hall effect trigger chip in coils, which regularly fails and then makes the entire assembly trash because a 50¢ chip ( yes that is what they cost to make and that is 50¢ AUS ) fails you have to replace the entire coil for $ 50.00.
While they are good, the voltage from some early volt meters was enough to fry them and even now , a momentary connection to 12V burns them out, A miracle all right, a miracle of modern marketing.
There is no reason to embed them when they have no protection circuit.
And that is the big problem with solid state gear, the total lack of ELECTRICAL protection against spikes, back flows , over voltage , excessive current or reverse polarity.
In an attempt to make greater profits or just cheaper purchase prices very few circuit boards have any enviromental protection so if you leave the charger connected to a car, sitting under the hood overnight on a heavy due night, condensation will short out the boards.
The owners then blame themselves and go out & buy another one.