Are you a member of the NRA ?

Are you a member of the NRA ?

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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Criminal will always have access to fire arms
the only logical arguement against fire arm restriction laws is just like drug laws it will create a criminal supply chain , which is quite a valid arguement.

OTOH down here if you get picked up carrying you get a manditory 12 months
Thus when violent gang members are questioned for any reason they can be pulled strait off the streets which has done a lot to reduce gang violence and in particular drive by shootings.
Police have a full month to lay charges , being caught with a fire arm means bail is automatically refused , a DNA sample can be taken,and that usually adds a long list of charges.
Any decient gang member considers 12 months a badge of honour and a couple of years a piece of cake but when they are looking at 10+ years they tend to be a lot more ameniable to turning "States Evidence"


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
Criminal will always have access to fire arms
the only logical arguement against fire arm restriction laws is just like drug laws it will create a criminal supply chain , which is quite a valid arguement.

OTOH down here if you get picked up carrying you get a manditory 12 months
Thus when violent gang members are questioned for any reason they can be pulled strait off the streets which has done a lot to reduce gang violence and in particular drive by shootings.
Police have a full month to lay charges , being caught with a fire arm means bail is automatically refused , a DNA sample can be taken,and that usually adds a long list of charges.
Any decient gang member considers 12 months a badge of honour and a couple of years a piece of cake but when they are looking at 10+ years they tend to be a lot more ameniable to turning "States Evidence"

And what is the law abiding citizen to use in defending himself against criminals?


Lawn Pro
Aug 2, 2013
And what is the law abiding citizen to use in defending himself against criminals?

Apparently he wants folks to be good at throwing cans of food.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
And what is the law abiding citizen to use in defending himself against criminals?

The best defence you have sits upon your shoulders, not hanging off your hip.
For a fire arm to protect you at all times, you have to be carrying at all times and ready to shoot in a milli second.

About the only time a fire arm will protect your family is if you are black, hispanic , jewish or a witch and there is a mob storming up your drive wearing white robes, make America Great again T-shirts , swastickers or carrying flaming crosses.

I would sort of hoped that the good citizens of the USA had evolved past that state of mind quite some time ago.

You protect your family from criminal by creating a community where criminal activity is not tollerated, not by waving a gun at them.
You will not stop a mugger from mugging you just because you have a gun, not unless you have it in your hand, finger on trigger & safety off, lets hope you don't trip or sneeze.
OTOH the muggers with a knife at your daughters throat will be over the moon because those nice shinny side arms they have just reliever all of your family member of will buy them another weeks worth of drugs.
Pulling the .22 you have strapped to your anckle and shooting them as they run away will earn you a day in court where the other mugger, called lawers will relieve you the rest of your property.

When your daughters ex-boyfriend decides that if he can't have her no one else can so he is racing towards her in his dad's car at 65mph do you magically appear and manage to shot out his front tyre so he harmlessly crashes into that convienently placed tree thus missing your daughter & all of the other girls on their way home from school ?

When your son who is in a distressed state of mind because his girl friend dumped him, his cyber friends are downing on him and he sees no future, is that 12 gauge sitting behind the front door likely to protect him or is he likely to stick the barrels in his mouth & blow his head into tiny pieces or even worse go storming to the girlfriends place to turn her into dog food, then her dad seeing him coming up the drive pulls his assult rifle off the rack over the mantle & turns your son into dog food.

You can not be with every member of your family 24/7 so there fore you can not protect them 24/7 by your presence , with or without a fire arm.

You protect your family by educating them to respect others, and the views of others .
You protect your family by educating them not to be racist, sexist, homophobic or biggoted.
You protect your family by educating them to recognise unsafe situations and avoid them or at worse by verbally defusing hazardous situations.
You protect your family by teaching them not to humiliate others, particularly in public.


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
I simply asked what a person is to use against an armed criminal.

His 'head' is not a realistic answer.


Lawn Pro
Aug 2, 2013
Thank God we don't live in Australia!


Lawn Pro
Aug 2, 2013
It is sad that you are glad to lose your rights.
Did they go house to house to confiscate your guns?

Are you allowed to speak freely?

Or not so much?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I simply asked what a person is to use against an armed criminal.

His 'head' is not a realistic answer.

Well it is.
First off how did you come into contact with an armed criminal ?
Second most civilised police forces send in negotiators to talk armed people down ( using your head ) before they open fire
And lastly you question was very much situation dependent.
If I was in a corner store & confronted with an armed robber then a diverson can of food followed with a direction can of food might just be the right tool at the time , again using your head.
For a car jacker simply jambing on the brake or accelerator can do the trick, but reaching across to the glove box or centre colsole storage to retrieve your gun is likely to get you &/or every one in the vehicle shot as the criminal now has nothing to loose.
I drove cabs many times when work was hard to find and I worked the worst, least safe areas of Sydney, because that was where the most profit was.
Thus I have been threatened with every thing from a razor blade to an ex-police stub nosed 38.
The fact I am here writing this reply shows I managed each & every one of those encounters, some a bit better than others .
Now we all kept out tyre irons next to the seat by the door & I did have to resort to using it on more than one occasion, but pulling a gun on the potential assailant would not have improved my situation in any occurance.
In fact the drivers who did carry ( totally illegal ) ended up injured far many more times , including being shot by their own gun, than any one else. Probably ( suposition of course ) because they thought that the gun would some how protect them.

Then it come to using your head politically.
When are you, Mr Joe public most likely to be confronted by a fire arm brandishing criminal ?
Obvious answer, a property crime.
Why do the criminals steal ?
usually drug related
How do you stop this ?
Decrimalizing the drug trade, same as the booze wars were stopped by ending prohibition.
The FBI did not win by shooting all of the gang members did they ?

Portugal finally worked out that they would be better off legalizing drugs than keeping them illegal and receiving US foreign aid for doing so.
The result was violent property crime went down a whopping 70% ( roughly ) all property crime went down by over 50% and street mugging virtually vanished.
That is how you really use your "head" to keep your family safe.
Drug use initially went up around 30% then dropped and is still dropping as is the crime levels .

Then we could look at proper social security which reduces ( not ends ) the need for property crimes but we are now entering idealistic territory where rational debate is almost as impossible as rational religious debate.

To put the shoe on the other foot.
When , where & how do you propose having a fire arm protects your family ?
I know for a fact it does not work in South Africa , I have relations there and they are forever attending funerals for people accidentially shot.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
It is sad that you are glad to lose your rights.
Did they go house to house to confiscate your guns?

Are you allowed to speak freely?

Or not so much?

I could say it is sadder that you have to live in fear of being shot.
No they did not do a door to door & every fire arm confiscated was PAID for and that included things like Hisparno cannons that were WWII relics and of course can not be fired because the ammunition & the belts are no longer made & also without 200 mph airflow the gun will jamb from expansion.
We can own firearms, we only need to justify our possesion.
That made rational people think hard about weather they really needed to own a fire arm & better than 75% decided that they did not.
I am by the way a member of an antique fire arms club because I would like to own a long levered 3 banded Martini Henry, but I don't want it to shoot with.
My workshop is on a farm so there fore I could apply for a fire arms license and having passed the appropriate safety course purchase a fire arm appropriate to my needs which for here would be a shot gun.
OTOH I have learned to live with & control the snakes without the need for fire arms so I don't need to worry all the time about where the gun is just in case I need it.

But I can walk into a bank and not stand there trying to work out who is carrying and if I might be in the firing line.
My kids can go to school without having to worry about a deranged maniac shooting them in the playground or a class mate walking in and opening fire.

The entire idea of a RIGHT shows the problem with your mindset .
We actually have no rights apart from what others have bestowed upon us .
These of course can be revoked just as easy as they can be granted,'
That is unless you are a deeply religious person & believe that a God of some sort devined that you must be able to posses a non devine man made item.

Zero mass shootings speaks volumes so who is really free ?
The one who can walk the streets with confidence or the one who has to check out all of the vantage points for deranged maniacs ( religious or otherwise ) street gang members who might think you looked at them the wrong way or even the person who thinks you have parked in their spot & decided to blow you away.

The last thing any one down here needs is pity from the oppressed who feel that they are obliged to be armed to the teeth in order to enjoy their misguided idea of "freedom".

And before you completely divert the subject I am still waiting for an exact method of how that gun is protecting you & your family and who it is protecting them from.
I seriously would really like to know what threat is so great you need to be armed better than 1/2 the worlds military to protect yourself from.


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
You can leave out all the ifs, ands, and buts about circumstances and just answer the question. At that point, it makes no difference how you got in that situation; you're in it whether you like it or not.

What is the best thing to protect yourself with when the criminal has a gun?