Gas cans?


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
Where is the evidence that LESS fuel is spilled with these Govt-mandated gas cans and spouts? I've spilled more gas with them than I ever did with a plain old gas can.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I agree the EPA is a necessary evil.

WAS a necessary evil.

When first set it like a lot of both government & private organizations with a clear purpose they did good work.
Then the bureaucrats & megalomaniacs see a department / group with a big budget ripe for the picking to fulfil their perverse ideals and massage their over inflated egos.
After the initial job is nigh on done the afore mentioned then need to justify their kingdoms so they go into mission creep & get new legislation introduced for them to enforce FBI is a perfect example or set them up as "the" authority while having almost no one with any expertise to justify this position like Greenpeace or find a million tiny things that make no difference what so ever to justify their budgets like the EPA.

The latter are the real criminals and put out figures that are misleading but can not be proven wrong like those fuel spills numbers
How many people in the USA use mowers ?
How much does each person spill ?
Has to be a guess.
I have been fixing mowers for 5 years and would be lucky to have spilt a pint of fuel ( cause it is too expensive down here to waste )
However a single jet engine dumps somewhere between 50 & 300 gallons of jet A1 unburned strait into the air each & every time it takes off.
Even worse is small spills into soil do NO ENVIRONMENTAL HARM as naturally occurring bacteria in the soils will break them down .
Large amounts like the Exxon Valdeze overwhelms the natural bacteria and becomes pollution, so the comparison is just plain WRONG.
What the EPA deliberately ignores is fuels are NATURAL PRODUCTS and what is made by nature can be unmade by nature.
What they should be looking at are large spills and stuff that does not break down like plastics.
Then of course they should be doing unbiased research into agricultural chemicals on things like moths, bees, & butterflys not just people.
But it is easier to justify ever increasing funding from congress ( in your case ) if you can sprout "we passed xxxxxx regulations in the previous year and have yyyyy regulations under review for the coming year. ( the larger xxx & yyyy the better ) Then the bigger criminals, called accountants can crunch the numbers & decide the EPA is good value.


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
Except it isn't "approved" to carry gasoline. If some enviro-nut sees you filling one at the gas station and calls the 'proper authorities', you might get a visit from one of the EPA Green-shirt teams in the middle of the night.

At the very least, you can expect a bunch of bicycle-riding, pinwheel beanie-wearing, boss-of-you wannabes riding a circular parade in front of your house, protesting YOUR destruction of the environment while they leave a trail of trash and filth behind them rivaling an untarped garbage scow.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Except it isn't "approved" to carry gasoline. If some enviro-nut sees you filling one at the gas station and calls the 'proper authorities', you might get a visit from one of the EPA Green-shirt teams in the middle of the night.

At the very least, you can expect a bunch of bicycle-riding, pinwheel beanie-wearing, boss-of-you wannabes riding a circular parade in front of your house, protesting YOUR destruction of the environment while they leave a trail of trash and filth behind them rivaling an untarped garbage scow.

Some Red or Yellow paint, and some photo-shopped stickers should take care of that... use UR imagination, soldiers (ours & theirs) always switched uniforms for deceit ! .. :thumbsup: