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  1. S

    snapper 7800417 can't find part

    Hi everyone, I have a snapper 7800417 walk behind, It is a great machine except the control assembly broke and is unfixabIe, I have looked every where I know to find a control head assembly 7101416yp. I know this is an old machine but any ideas? can I Mickey Mouse it somehow? thx
  2. S

    snapper mower 7800417

    Hi everyone, I have a snapper 7800417 mower, trying to find part 7101416yb control head assembly. It is not available anywhere I find it, not even ebay!. Any thoughts or should I just junk the whole thing? thx for any ideas.
  3. S

    old craftsman weedeater 358.796122

    Hi everyone, I have a very old craftsman weedeater 358.796122. took it apart cleaned carb and replaced fuel line cuz it was brittle. When i put it back together the gas won't go thru fuel line to carb no matter what i do. I threaded it with wire seems to be clear. Sooo I took it all apart...
  4. S

    bolens mower

    Hi everyone, I have a cheap bolin mower from lowes, 08p502=0047-f1......I have a problem with it surging, i have taken the carb off and cleaned everything three looks new bought in 2016 and not used often. have drained gas put in new. Did everything that i learned on any...
  5. S

    snapper starting problem...

    Hello, i have a snapper frp216016 with starting issues. I cleaned the carburetor and it will start right up with starter fluid and will go all day but if i try to prime it then pull start it it won't start. took the primer all apart and put two gaskets behind the air cleaner, seems to prime...