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  1. sgkent

    Can't Find Tire Leak

    maybe get one of those cheap plastic storage containers, or empty one you have stuff in for a couple days, fill it with water, and use that to look for the leak.
  2. sgkent

    Spark Plug question for those familiar with Echo Leaf Blowers

    thank you. I think that the superseded plug will be best and will stay with it. Thank you. set it to .026" as that was the manual spec and old plug was about .027" I get it. My old garage door opener would not work when a neighbor was using his cheap Chinese leaf blower. That said, resistor...
  3. sgkent

    Spark Plug question for those familiar with Echo Leaf Blowers

    Have an older Echo PB-201 hand held 2-cycle leaf blower about 2006 vintage. Runs great and going to pass it on to a friend who can use it. We have converted to battery because the Mrs insists on using a leaf blower and she has a bad arm and can't pull starters. So here is the question. The Echo...
  4. sgkent

    Well get ready for major price increases

    gas is $5+ a gallon here and you are lucky things went different in the election. If it has gone the other way you would not have gas lawn equipment to service or sell. That is what is happening here in our wonderful Communist State of California. A good friend just threw away two nice expensive...
  5. sgkent

    Blower Purchase decision

    the first question should be what are you blowing? If you are blowing leaves that fall from the trees this time of the year, on an acre, then it will sit the rest of the year that is one situation. Another situation is general lansdcape - is this an all year thing? 30 minutes a week x 52 weeks...
  6. sgkent

    Microsoft stopping support to Windows 10 today

    The only complaint I have with the Linux series is one of my clients uses AutoCad in their business (surveying) and Autodesk does not support it on Linux systems (although they do support it on Apple systems).
  7. sgkent

    How to free up stuck piston on toro 21" front wheel drive mower

    pull the spark plug and make sure that the issue is not fluid in the cylinder. If it still does not move, use some wd-40 and PB Blaster in it, enough to soak around the edge of the piston, and let it sit a couple days. Once it does turn, you'll need to get a bore camera in thru the spark plug...
  8. sgkent

    front tine rototiller with power reverse

    Yes. Seems the biggest complaint is many of this model get damaged in shipment due to their weight (appx 120 lbs), and there is disappointment with that when they show up with broken and dented parts, missing pieces from the box being torn. I had an aluminum engine case a few years back that...
  9. sgkent

    front tine rototiller with power reverse

    totally understandable. Honest people in general are tired of the cons getting away with it, and then honest people being treated like thieves.
  10. sgkent

    front tine rototiller with power reverse

    I have decided to wait until after the winter rains are dumping on us to see what comes up for sale locally then. Right now I don't want to risk ordering something that comes in a cardboard box from China that weighs 120 lbs. Too many delivery drivers just dump them and drive on. I had another...
  11. sgkent

    Microsoft stopping support to Windows 10 today
  12. sgkent

    front tine rototiller with power reverse

    Sold my old 1990's Craftsman (MTD) about 5 years ago. Used it in roughly 25 x 15 garden. Thought we would not need to till again but after five years of no till, and using mulches etc., the ground is getting very hard to work with unless it is soaked. A lot a clay. It has 30+ years of...
  13. sgkent

    Microsoft stopping support to Windows 10 today

    I believe that in reading up on this the last few months, current stats show that W10 installs make up almost 50% of the computers being used, with W11 being about 30%. Many people believe that Microsoft was trying to force people to upgrade at a huge cost and people are saying no, just like how...
  14. sgkent

    Book for B&S

  15. sgkent

    white grubs

    Informational post: Live in a suburb of Sacramento. Put down new 360 sq ft of sod Friday. Went to cut out a drain grate the landscaper missed, and when I lifted the sod put down 3 days ago, white grubs (probably billbug and/or scarab beetle larvae) were plentiful. After research, came to the...
  16. sgkent

    Book for B&S

    lever on the side of the engine housing. Once I get the manual I'll have to go thru the whole procedure of setting the carb up right. Since it runs well, I won't be rebuilding it. Might check for vacuum leaks with a carb spray though. Runs and starts really well. The original fuel pump was bad...
  17. sgkent

    Book for B&S

    Way too low. I had to bend the stop that the high speed limit screw hits to speed it up to 3200. It was down around 2300 at full speed. Turning the stop screw in brought it up to about 2800. I am not the original owner. Found a Briggs page that explains the engine numbers after the last post...
  18. sgkent

    Book for B&S

    thank you. The RPM is definitaely off but the governor works.
  19. sgkent

    Book for B&S

    Hi - I have a Bluebird dethatcher that is about 20 - 25 years old, that I bought used. The fuel pump and subsequently, tank were bad, but after repair, it runs steady now with new parts. I plan to restore it to an even better condition in the next couple months, and one thing I have not sorted...
  20. sgkent

    SH270 Simpson Pressure washer

    Well, got a chance to use it. Your instructions really helped. I pulled about 5 or 6 times then said, oh yeah, this one has an on - off switch. Fired right up. Very happy with it.
  21. sgkent

    Trying to get 190cc Briggs & Stratton to start - with video

    I just fixed a pressure washer 190 cc engine that the kill wire had chaffed thru and was grounding out the coil. It might take 8 - 10 pulls sometimes. After putting some heat shrink on the wire to fix where it chaffed thru it starts first pull. Make sure you have Compression air to fuel spark
  22. sgkent

    SH270 Simpson Pressure washer

    Thank you more than you know. I have arthritis in my back, and bad eyes these days so knowing where to expect something, is a lot easier than laying on the ground in pain with a flashlight trying to figure out what each things is from labels I can barely read up close. Your description will help...
  23. sgkent

    SH270 Simpson Pressure washer

    usually when I buy something I read the manual and try to figure where everything is before using it. This Simpson MS61124 with a Kohler SH270 bogs my mind. Some places say it has a throttle control. Some say it has a fuel shutoff, Some say a choke. So far I found a lever marked choke, and...
  24. sgkent

    Oil Change

  25. sgkent

    Oil Change

    Thinking of a new pressure washer. Simpson with Kohler SH270. It is one of these lifetime no oil change engines. Does anyone know if these can have oil changed easily? Someone asked Simpson how to change the oil on the SH270 and their response was you don't have to so they were no help. Just...
  26. sgkent

    20018 twitch

    read it several times already. I guess will just have to take it apart again to see if there is anything new going on.
  27. sgkent

    20018 twitch

    friend's son has a Toro 20018 that has a twitch in it. As one is mowing the mower will twitch to the right a little about every 10' - 15'. I assume that this means the wheel on the left side is not driving at that moment. A while back I went thru both sides and replaced worn parts, everything...
  28. sgkent

    Measuring RPM on a mower

    or $42 amazon or get a free app for your phone that uses you mic to pick up the RPM and is accurate.
  29. sgkent

    Got Blue Smoke? WTF?

    change the oil. May have fuel in it and be thin.
  30. sgkent

    Westinghouse pressure washer

    you are the one paying for it.
  31. sgkent

    WTB new or used 338070MA or 740039MA Edger Quill

    Mid july 2023 still looking for one. 338070MA or 740039MA will show as part #321 on fiche for edger. Pictures in first post. Possibly someone might come across one with broken welds that the edger has been scrapped because of it. I can take the part with broken welds and have my welding guy...
  32. sgkent

    Measuring RPM on a mower

    You have many choices. You can use one of the round spring wire things that sits on the mower where the spring oscillates at the harmonic of the RPM, or download an app on your smart phone. I have an optical one too that HF sold. You need a spot of white paint or something that spins so it can...
  33. sgkent

    LT1042: swallowed up hammock strap, PTO won't engage

    the two wire nut connections need to be properly fixed. They are not water tight connections, and will fail, if one or both haven't already.
  34. sgkent

    Backfires when trying to start

    did you originally set it to ,010 with a brass feeler gauge, or the plastic tool? An aluminum can is about .004" - .007"
  35. sgkent

    Jonsred 70e

    Windsor Super Pro Chainsaw guide bar. 20 HL50SPNA. Made in USA. 20" laminated sprocket nose. 3/8 pitch, .050 gauge, takes a 70dl chain Jonsered 60, 61, 62, 66, 70, 75, 77, 80, 81, 90, 110, 111, 601, 621, 801, 820, 830, 910, 920, 930, 1020, 2350 contact this guy for specs...
  36. sgkent

    Jonsred 70e

    this came up on the first Google link. In it, next to "Bar Mount Pattern" click the link and it will list all the part numbers from common suppliers. note: it is a 25:1 oil engine.
  37. sgkent

    Craftsman mower starting problem

    there should be no choke when an engine is warm. Choke enriches the mixture for when it is cold. That said, I have read many times here on the forum that Honda carbs are quite reasonably priced.
  38. sgkent

    How to keep 40V mower clean?

    Once the grass dries it is much harder to get it off. The procedure may be in the owner's manual. My Toro mower is gas but the manual says to run it on concrete and spray a steady stream of water to bounce off the concrete at the edge of the mower into the underside of the mower while it is...
  39. sgkent

    Cutting issue

    also when did it start? Did you make any changes before it began?
  40. sgkent

    Mower starts runs stalls

    suggest either a new mower or take it to a shop. Throwing parts at it can not only get more expensive than a shop but it can create lots of secondary problems. It takes 3 things for an engine to run right Fuel to air mixture Spark at the right time Compression. One of those 3 is missing when...
  41. sgkent

    No More Lithium! NEW Sodium-Ion Battery To BEGIN Mass Production

    Just as an FYI, I read a scientific article last week where they now understand why dendrites form. Now that they understand, they are working on solutions to stop it. Dendrites are the biggest reason all the lithium ion and nickel cad batteries fail. It starts with micro cracks in the matrix...
  42. sgkent

    Briggs and Stratton 5 hp (Model 130902) Jet Pulse carburetor problems... Any ideas?

    when I went into my local mower shop they had two part numbers that superseded most of those carbs. The original number was NLA but the part they had to replace it worked fine. I could not duplicate their briggs number replacement online so I have no idea how they came to the conclusion which...
  43. sgkent

    Carrier plate seized to drive shaft

    post some photos of how far apart you have gotten it and what you are dealing with. Hard to make a suggestion without being able to see it as it is.
  44. sgkent

    Toro 22" Recycler GTS Personal Pace #20017 - Difficult start/restart / Governor adjustment - Tecumseh 6.5HP

    the instructions seem specific. DId you hold the shaft with some locking pliers or something while holding the throttle all the way open with the arm, and lock the pinch bolt? If yes, don't know what to say except maybe hold the shaft all the way, loosen the pinch bolt and back the arm up a...
  45. sgkent

    No More Lithium! NEW Sodium-Ion Battery To BEGIN Mass Production

    it takes more energy to produce hydrogen that is usable than the energy it can produce. Find a way to harvest the surplus heat in the oceans for less energy that it takes to concentrate it, and you will not only help mankind but be wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. Right now we do it by hydro...
  46. sgkent

    Smoke upon starting

    I have a Toro personal pace mower that smoked light white-grey smoke when it started every time since it was new. Just that initial small cloud. About six months ago I moved from the ethanol laced fuels here in California to TruFuel. It has not thrown up that initial puff of smoke since then...
  47. sgkent

    Briggs Stratton rocker stud hole stripped

    I was thinking about mentioning that. When aluminum overheats it gets soft. We used to see it all the time on aluminum heads from British cars when they were run at high speed in the desert southwest. They were designed for a cooler climate and once they overheated the aluminum would soften. One...
  48. sgkent

    When to aerate...

    depends how deep the spike go. The plug style also lessens compaction. The spike kind compacts the soil where the spike goes in. I use the plug style myself, we even pick up as many of the plugs as we can.
  49. sgkent

    Briggs and Stratton 5 hp (Model 130902) Jet Pulse carburetor problems... Any ideas?

    If you put the screw back in without the air filter, it dies? It looks pretty dirty inside. Have you tried spraying some Berryman's B12 carb cleaner in it WHILE it is running to clean out some of the carbon build up around the butterfly etc..