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why is it (dandelions)




Why is it that right after you mow, the grass looks great and the next day all these dandelions pop back up again? It's like they completely avoid the mower.




It is simply because you have weeds in your yard and these type of weeds only appear when it is sunny.
AND they grow faster than anything. Sometimes they hid down in the grass and its difficult to see them therefore the best thing to do is treat the entire yard for weeds and then after getting a handle on them, to regularly spot spray as needed.




Wow, the blasted little bug gars certainly like to hide, right after you mow you look back, looks great then the next day it looks like it needs to be done again.




If you have those white puffs and you are running them over with your mower you are going to spread those pesky dandelions because those puffs contain seeds. If best to treat your lawn before or right after you mow to help combat those dandelions. I've been battling for a couple years now and they seem worse this year for some reason.




That makes perfect sense not to spread the seeds. It doesn't help with a three yr old who loves to blow them around, he thinks its cool.




I always wondered the same thing. They are gone and then they are back the next day and they are just as tall as they were the day you mowed it. I hate it! It makes me want to go out with a little spade and dig each one out!




Hi Yes i know all about those pesty little son of a gun i did about 5 hour spot spraying on Friday for those little gun. What does every one use for spray to kill those little son of a gun i use a framers style 2 4 d ester i live on a acreage that seams to work. I notice that they are really bad this year to just after you mow.They must be a hardy plant because we had a cool hard winter and they come up thick this year, the ground was covered good with snow so i guest they had good protection from the cold.




Dandelions are certainly one of the more hardy weeds, them and burdock, you can dig them up but any little piece of root left behind will yield yet another plant, its crazy




I'm worried about these rascals as well. I don't want a yard full of dandelions, so I will take the time to pick them before I mow so as not to make the problem worse.:smile:




I don't mine the lonely fields of nothing but dandelions, from a distance they look nice, but as my lawn I'm afraid I will pass, they can be someone else's problem.




Is there anything you can use to get rid of those pesky lions that is not all chemicals? ( scotts weed and feed) I have heard that Malorganite will do this, but it will also kill plants if you get it on them.






If I were to get rid of the weeds, I would have no lawn. :laughing: Seriously though, I don't treat, I just let everything do it's own thing and mow what comes up. In my opinion (out in the country) if it's green, it belongs in a lawn. :laughing:




I agree, I love to see them in the fields from a distance, they are really pretty. Same thing as buttercups and Wild Phlox. I don't want them in my yard either.




Weeds grow faster then grass unfortunately. You should go around and spray them with Ortho or Rodeo. Or spend all your time picking them. Just don't blow them because that's how they spread their seeds.

Why is it that right after you mow, the grass looks great and the next day all these dandelions pop back up again? It's like they completely avoid the mower.




I guess there could be worse things in my lawn, or I could have no lawn at all. I'm just grateful that we finally are able to grow a lawn, for years the best we could do is spotty patches.




Depending on how big of a yard you have, I'd have to agree. I do like taking care of my front yard though. I am planning on keeping my front yard perfect, the back is just too large to worry about though.:smile:

If I were to get rid of the weeds, I would have no lawn. :laughing: Seriously though, I don't treat, I just let everything do it's own thing and mow what comes up. In my opinion (out in the country) if it's green, it belongs in a lawn. :laughing:
