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Where To Find Junk Mowers





I am interested in obtaining a junk mower for the sake of learning. I have been reading up on small engine repair and have applied many of the tune up procedures from the book on my own mower. I would like to do a complete tear-down on a mower and its engine and attempt to put it back together, as I am truly a hands on learner. However, I would prefer to not do this on my own good mower, as I am admittedly a novice in this arena, and would not want to risk irreparable damage. Does anyone have suggestions on where I could obtain a free or cheap push mower with which to experiment? Thanks for your input.




I find most of my old mowers (I go for two-strokes exclusively) on CraigsList.

You can probably find a good candidate for repair for $20 to $30.

It's probably a good idea to start by focusing on basics like cleaning the fuel system -- most dead mowers are only dead because of a clogged carb or something like that. After you've done a few of those (and you can sell them for much more than you paid :thumbsup: ), you can progress to more difficult tasks.

Let us know how it goes.




Check your dealers.
Check curbside, Sunday , pm, is our pick up time, your competition is the scavengers (good people).
Drive around, here junkyards abound...We have one in Lewisberry RFD...
Craig list prices may be lower as advertisers wish to move goods; junk-yard operators just wish to sit on what they have - all too often.....
Ignore the useless yellow pages, the yards cannot afford the excessively high advertising rates...But, on the internet, we have "free-cycle", so, give this a try.




Go to the local dump and hang out on your day off. Most I would expect are hauled off on Saturdays due to suburbanites only day off to clean, mow, etc. Here they won't let you carry out from INSIDE the dump, but no problem waiting outside and asking as they drive in. I've seen generators, weedeaters, blowers, mowers of all kinds tossed.
