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When to De thatch? +mulching




I use a ztr mulching mower, I have told many different theories when to mulch and when not to. I know to much mulched grass clipping on your grass turn into thatch.
I have been told by a local lawn care guy that when the weather gets real dry its a good Idea to sweep up your grass clippings because of the lack of water, your clippings will not break down and it will turn into a heavy layer of thatch chocking out your lawn.

How does one know its time to run the De thatcher?
What is you take on the mulching theory?






I thought it was a good idea to mulch in the spring to get last years trash mixed up. I would think some trash on the lawn would help not letting the ground dry up so fast in the hot days of August ,i would n"t leave it real thick to choke out the grass. The trash fertilizer for the lawn that's grass clippings . i would think you should run the de thatcher when the grass clipping get pretty thick on the lawn.
