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What's your format of choice?




In music, that is.

The four contenders are:

Compact Disc
Or - gulp - DOWNLOADS!

My favourite is vinyl and as I type this I'm playing a Roy Orbison 33 1/3 on my turntable and having a good foot tapping time.

My second favourite would be compact disc purely for the longevity, third favourite being cassette and the last, well, I'm not even going there.

What's yours?




jmurray01 said:
In music, that is.

The four contenders are:

Compact Disc
Or - gulp - DOWNLOADS!

My favourite is vinyl and as I type this I'm playing a Roy Orbison 33 1/3 on my turntable and having a good foot tapping time.

My second favourite would be compact disc purely for the longevity, third favourite being cassette and the last, well, I'm not even going there.

What's yours?

What's vinyl? LOL. just kidding
Shocked that you know what vinyl is or even who Roy Orbison is. Most people your age would be like what you talking about what's a record.

When I was your age my pick was the 8 track as we did not have the compact disk or the Internet.
Now I go with the compact disk.

Oh and nice to see you post here again




What's vinyl? LOL. just kidding
Shocked that you know what vinyl is or even who Roy Orbison is. Most people your age would be like what you talking about what's a record.

When I was your age my pick was the 8 track as we did not have the compact disk or the Internet.
Now I go with the compact disk.

Oh and nice to see you post here again
That is true I suppose.

Roy Orbison is actually my favourite singer as it happens so quite a contradiction to the "stereotypical" 16 year old. There was never anybody with a better voice and never will be, which makes it more sad that he died at a mere 52.

Still, his music lives on in my stereo daily, as it does in many others I'm sure.

I'd forgotten about 8-track. Here in the UK that was just for vehicles mainly and even then it was short lived when the Musicassette was invented.




My favorite is Baklite. Same material they use to make distributor caps with. Normally 1/4" think and has grooves on one side. Only problem, you have to get up and crank the handle on the side of the unit or it turns to slow.




I have to say my favorite format is mp3 although most of the music that I have is on vinyl since that was the thing during my big music collecting days.

One of my projects on the distant horizon is to convert all my 33 1/3 records to digital format. The one thing that I need that I don't have is a small amplifier to go between the turntable and the computer. Has anyone gone through that conversion?



Mini Motors

There are RCA to USB interface cords available that connect to the line out jacks on your receiver. But on some sound cards there is a line in jack(1/8" stereo(headphone size)I think it's blue)
