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Stupid question but gonna ask anyway..




On my 2012 silver eagle 2760 (bought used with around 750 hours) should the control arms go back by themselves to neutral position slot when released? I bought it used last year replaced all the worn parts on steering linkage that was causing play including the self centering dampers but only way to get them to go to neutral slot is to loosen the pivot point but then its too loose and wobbles at the pivot point...so I'm guessing no? thanks



Darryl G

On both of my zero turns you have to move the levers to neutral and then throw them out. I think, lol. They will slowly return towards neutral if you let go of them, but putting it in neutral requires deliberate action.




On both of my zero turns you have to move the levers to neutral and then throw them out. I think, lol. They will slowly return towards neutral if you let go of them, but putting it in neutral requires deliberate action.

Same here.




lol...guess I worded it wrong should of never said neutral position "slot". Meant when you release should they move to the neutral position....release them and mower should slowly come to a stop. But anyways still was answered that it should slowly return to neutral. Mine don't.




lol...guess I worded it wrong should of never said neutral position "slot". Meant when you release should they move to the neutral position....release them and mower should slowly come to a stop. But anyways still was answered that it should slowly return to neutral. Mine don't.

Mine returning to neutral can be a very slow process like 400 ft.



Darryl G

Yeah, it's not like you push them forward and they auto-return in anything resembling a timely manner. I said slowly before but it's more like very slowly. The dampers are just there to smooth the controls out I believe, not to return the levers to neutral.




Hydro Gear ZT2800/3100 series (and probably others) has a return to neutral mechanism which works in reverse only. Apparently, it’s for newbies to ZTRs. If they’re yanking back on the sticks, get confused and freak out, they can release the controls and stop the machine. Hydro Gear has excellent support on their website. Exploded views, adjustment, rtn kit numbers, etc.
