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Spring seed plantion vs pre-emergent weed killer.




Here is a dilemma I have year after year. After planting seed in the fall, I still have a lot of bare spots in the spring. If I put seed down and no pre-emergent weed killer, then I get a ton of weeds. If I put down the pre-emergent weed killer , the grass does not grow. Any suggestions in this area would be welcome.




Use a post emergent broadleaf weed killer. Get the weeds early before they develop seeds. Keep the grass cut short. It may take a few seasons, but you should get to a point where the weeds are manageable.
Don't forget, pulling weeds by hand is a very effective and efficient way to solve this problem. It sucks but it works.




From the way you wrote your post, I'm assuming you are the one who is applying the pre-emergent. If that is correct, maybe you could intentionally NOT apply pre-emergent in those spots where you want to plant seeds. That way you would minimize your weed production in the rest of your lawn.

Also, pre-emergent works best on undisturbed soil. If you go ahead an apply pre-emergent everywhere, just work the soil well with a shovel or a bow rake. That will break up the pre-emergent chemical and minimize it's affect on preventing your grass seed from germinating.




For the past four years, I have had a service doing my chemical application. The past three years I have told them not to put the pre emergence on the Eastern half of my front yard (One side of the driveway) where I need some heavy seeding. Since I am not home when he comes, I can not supervise his work. None of the seed I planted grew. So last year, I threw some seed in an area he does not treat to see if it was a seed issue. Well, all of that seed came up but not in the treated area. So this tells me he is treating the whole area with pre emergence
Well, I am done with them (The lawn service) and will be doing it myself this year. It appears we (And most of the US) are having an early spring, so I plan to work on my yard this weekend and get some seed down. I will put the pre emergence on the rest of the lawn,and just the fertilizer on this portion. Then if no grass grows, I can't blame them.

I will let you know how it comes out.



Newsom Seed

Do you have an update since your last post?




Do you have an update since your last post?

We haven't had much rain and I have not turned on my sprinklers yet. So I have nothing to report. I am going to make my much hated trip to the crawl space after work tonight to turn on the outdoor shower and the sprinkler system. My house is 85 feet long and of course the opening to the crawl space and the water shutoffs are on opposite ends.




Do you have an update since your last post?

2nd update:

The new grass came up and covered about 70% of my bare spots. I am very pleased. I threw some additional seed down last weekend and hope to fill in the other 30%. I will then overseed in the fall. From the road, My lawn's look great. Finally starting to get a lot of rain here and it is growing lime mad. Might add some pictures if I get a chance this weekend.




So what did the trick? Were you still spraying the weed killer before planting seed or did you just spread the seed and hope for the best? I'm curious.

I just recently read that one of the best ways to kill weeds is to simply allow your grass to grow out a bit, or in your case that would mean not using the chemical sprays, and the grass naturally takes care of the weeds over time.

I'm so glad to hear your lawn is back! :thumbsup:




Well, the first thing I did was fire my lawn service. (the one with the big green thumb) then I planted seed and fertilized that part of my yard (My yard lawn is broken up into 3 separate areas) with Scott's spring lawn fertilizer. One that did not have any pre-emergent weed killer. We did not get much rain, and my sprinklers were not on yet, so not much happened. Then I hooked up the sprinklers reseeded and then the rain came. The grass started to grow like heck. I just added more seed about a week and a half ago to the few bare spots that were left, and tonight I noticed some green in that area. One thing I did do that you mentioned was let the existing grass grow tall as I did not want to mow when the seedlings were too small.
I was just looking at my yard tonight and I am quiet impressed. But the true test is what will happen come august in the summer heat. And then when the weeds start. I will probably spot treat the weeds this year as to baby the new growth. This weekend I will put down my late spring layer of fertilizer, which I don't think has any weed killer in it. If it does, I will not use it on the new grass, but rather put down the same stuff I put down in march.
Maybe I will get a picture of it tomorrow and post it.
