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Hey everyone,

I'm conducting research for a startup company interested in manufacturing new, innovative products in the lawn care industry. I would greatly appreciate it if you answered a few questions for me over a couple of threads. Thanks so much!

What do you do with you grass clippings?




You missed one, I do nothing with my grass clipings




I put mulched but I also do nothing with the clipping.:wink:




And like most market research companies you use a loaded question.
How about a % rating ?
some customers want the clippings taken off site other are happy to have the grass mulched.
Most civil authoroties are happy for you to leave windrows ( cause they can tell when you actually mowed without getting out of their cars )
Yet you send out an either or type questioner which is totally irrevilant to what most contractors actually do.




Hey everyone,

I'm conducting research for a startup company interested in manufacturing new, innovative products in the lawn care industry. I would greatly appreciate it if you answered a few questions for me over a couple of threads. Thanks so much!

What do you do with you grass clippings?

I use the G6 Gator Mulching blades on all my mowers. Finer the grass is cut the faster it breaks down. The clippings provide a good percentage of the lawns water and fertilization needs.
