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I have a Kohler 26 HP that runs fair but it will change sound and speed. It will go from sounding like the muffler is gutted (this is when speed increases) then it goes to a muffled sound (this is when engine speed slows down). My though is a baffel plate inside the muffler moves around and causes this. I will take muffler off if any one thinks this might be the problem. My problem with muffler bolts is that they tend to break off leaving broken stud inside of block. A pain to drill and tap out. I will put penetrating oil on bolts over nite. Some times this helps. Engine has new carb., plugs, air filter and and is in good condition. Any help is welcome--Cambre




NO GUARANTEE ...... I've sometimes run the engine till its warmed-up THEN try to remove the EXHAUST bolts/ nuts being very careful moving it back and forth , also be sure your socket or wrench is a really snug fit , these items to to round off as well as breaking, WEAR GLOVES / be careful ---- go slow Good Luck !! Boobala :2cents:




Thanks Boobala, sounds like good advice.



mechanic mark

http://www.kohlerengines.com/onlinecatalog/pdf/32_690_01_EN.pdf do not know if 26 h.p. is courage engine, service manual. Model number? I would also adjust valves, engine cold, per manual instructions, page 75.




http://www.kohlerengines.com/onlinecatalog/pdf/32_690_01_EN.pdf do not know if 26 h.p. is courage engine, service manual. Model number? I would also adjust valves per manual instructions, page 75.

Good advice, thanks.
