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Rear engine rider




I was wondering we have a large yard with lots of hills would a rear engine rider handle this well


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

I was wondering we have a large yard with lots of hills would a rear engine rider handle this well

That depends. Most ride on mowers aren't recommended for a hill over 15%, and with the engine in the back you might not want to go up a steep hill.




Just what are you thinking about when you say rear engine mower?




I had a snapper 42 inch rer it was perfect for hills going side to side. A friend of mine would tell people I could mow the leaves off a tree with it. It would stick any slope you was brave enough to try.

Second best would be my husqvarna yth2448 with super lug tires.




depending on which rear engine make and model you get or have there are front weight attachments available for most mowers which would make it more stable for going over hills
