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Power drive




I have a 6.25 HP Briggs with self propel. I'm wanting to use my other engine, a Briggs 6.5 HP. On the latter engine the crank end is larger. Do they make a pulley/spindle to fit the 6.5?




Spindles come in 5/8" 7/8" 1" & 1.125" plus 20mm 25mm & 30 mm
SO yes there are pulleys made to fit but hard to advise if we do not know to fit what ?




Spindles come in 5/8" 7/8" 1" & 1.125" plus 20mm 25mm & 30 mm
SO yes there are pulleys made to fit but hard to advise if we do not know to fit what ?
Very true kind sir. The Lawn Boy has the 6.25hp, which at ont time had electric start and is self propelled. I took the starting assy. , as well as the carb and fuel tank off it to put on my power washer, which was then stolen from me. I had the idea of putting my Briggs 6.5 oh on the lawn boy, but I think I'd be better off trying to round up some used parts and getting Mr. Boy going again. ( The crank end of the 6.5 oh engine is smaller than the 6
25, this kinda scrapping that idea). Thanks for answering.
