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Old mower with no wheel




When cleaning out the brush at the back of our property (boarders another) I found a mower off in the shrubs (with other trash the neighbor put there :( ) Thing is that it was under so many shrubs it stayed in pretty decent shape. I got it worked but it is missing a wheel where it has rusted off. This this is worth my time?




dria, you said you got it working? go to a place that fixes mowers ,maybe they would have a wheel that would work.also T.S.C. Home Depot,Lowes might sell them. good luck russ




Yes I did get it working. But part of the base where the wheel is rusted off so that is why I was wondering how I would mount it. Sounds like it is worth saving though.




Are you able by chance to snag a picture of the underneath so we can see exactly what you see. I would think there is a decent way to mount it but a picture is worth a thousand words.




dira,I'm thinking you might be able to weld a piece on ,do you have access to a welder ?if not how about taking it to a welding shop?I know there is the issue with the gas but if you remove the gas tank or better remove the motor and just take the deck to a welding shop they should be able to fabaricate something workable for you. russ
