Needs some help on buying an old Comet


Forum Newbie
Jan 2, 2012

I've decided that this year I am done with the 1.5 hours it takes me to mow the back yard with my push mower and I want a rider. So last night I was looking on CL and found this postsnapper comet riding mower

The one picture posted looks pretty rough but may have potential. I like projects but I've never done one quite this big (mostly bicycles, and model trains). So based on these pictures what kind of potential do some of you experts ;) see?

I've email the guy and he was supposed to get me more information and pics but he just emailed telling me it got too dark before he could take more pics. Here is more information he gave me:

"It is very fixable and has a good deck. It was not running when I got it a couple if years ago"

"I couldn't find any info on it other than it is a Briggs engine. Guessing it to b 10 HP or so. It is all there. Based on the deck size it must have a longer blade
Sorry I can't be more precise on the info and it was to dark to take pics. I think if u saw it u would c the potential."

So does any of that sound feasible with this year of Snapper? Anyone have any idea how old this one appears to be? How much more money will I likely have to sink into it to make a useable tool? What size blades would have typical on this type of machine?

Thanks for reading and any help will be much appreciated. I live fairly close to this but it's not super close, and I like to have as much information as I can before I go look at something.


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
Dont blame you on that. if it is a long way aways, and without further pic's to go by, i would say look elsewhere. There just may be a better one closer to you that maybe even better condition. It may not be a comet, but it might be in better shape that you do not have to repair as much on it.