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MTD/Yard machines 11A-544E29 governor linkage and springs placement ?




Hello everyone, does anyone have the MTD11A-544E29 ? I'm trying to fix this mower so I have a spare push mower, got everything going except the governor link and springs. Would anyone have a picture they could post, to show me how they go ? In the manuals for this and others that I have, there's always very little information on how everything should go, and unfortunately I always get confused , I've posted some pics to show you guys. I think the main governor spring is the only one that's hooked up right, as far as the smaller spring, I have no idea how its supposed to go and I'm not sure if I attached the steel link correctly either. Any help would be great, thank you





The carb end is in the wrong place.
It goes into the loop in the connecting wire




Hi, I'm not totally sure what you mean, I'm pretty new with linkages and springs on mowers, so I'm trying too teach myself, but I can't seem to find specific details on how it should be. Sorry for my inexperience. Thanks




In you photo
Take the spring out of the black plastic bit & put it int the loop in the piece of wire to the left

The spring is connected to the wire & only the wire is connected to the carb




Thanks a lot, I'll try it !
