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Kohler Command 18HP Wont Start!




Hi Guys!

New here. I have a 2003 Husqvarna Kohler Command 18hp V Twin CV18s. YTH180 42" Deck. Been mowing with it trouble free for years. This year, I went to start it up and it was running like crap. Come to find out, a mouse took residence on top of the motor, under the engine shroud, and ate one of the spark plug wires in half. SO, I ordered a brand new Kohler brand coil, installed it, and now it wont run. Also, the throttle cable seized up and I ordered a new one of them. Still waiting for it to get here. Ive checked the carb, seemed clean. I have power going to the fuel solenoid on the carb bowl, I replaced the plugs, oil, oil filter, air filter, and fuel filter. I see fuel pumping into filter so I know the pump is working. Its getting spark. Starts with starting fluid but dies right away.

I'm at my wits end. Please help. My grass is starting to get long. :(




Is the plunger on the fuel solenoid actually working. I have seen the solenoid on Kohler get full of gunk and not work.




Is the plunger on the fuel solenoid actually working. I have seen the solenoid on Kohler get full of gunk and not work.
How do I tell? I know the bowl fills up with fuel...




Also, when i removed the solenoid from the carb bowl, I swear i heard something fall and hit the metal heat shield for the muffler but I cant find whatever it was nor do I know what it could be. But I feel like it came out of the carb bowl or was maybe attached to the solenoid/ plunger.




Here are pics.





Here are pics.
I answered my own question. I lost this part. :( What do I do now????





Just slide it back in the solenoid. The ones on Kohler are not captured like on a briggs, they just fall out, and you put it back in. the plunger isn't stuck so that answers that questions. When you turn the key on and off does it click Your OP sounds like you are not getting fuel, so that is the reason I brought up the solenoid.




Or is there supposed to be a jet in there? I don't get it. I see threads on the inside... I cant find whatever I dropped.




I think the plunger is in the lower half which I never separated. So I'm missing a jet? How would a jet just fall out? Where can I get the jet?




The jet is in the carb. the large barrel part that came out just slides back into the hole on the electric part, and then screw the whole thing back in. Or you can just screw the electric part back into the carb, because the engine doesn't need the other part to run. Just to help prevent the bang at shutoff.




Update: It's fixed. Installed new carb and it still wouldn't run. Apparenly there was a lot of old gas in the fuel lines and fuel pump and as soon as I purged the line of all the old (green) gas, and the new clear gas started flowing, it fired right up. Now runs like a champ. Actually runs better then it ever did since I replaced that coil.
