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Honda HRC216 mower bag door - how to remove?




Hi All,

I just got a new bag and bag frame for my HRC216 mower (the old one got mangled under some gear piled up in the truck). I've mounted the bag to the frame, but I have to remove and swap over the bag door/lid and the rod it's mounted too from the old bag door. I found instructions on how to originally assemble it from the owner's manual, but I can't figure out how to remove the push nuts on the end of the rod to slide it off the old bag frame. Any help is much appreciated!

Mower Bag Diagram.JPG




With a pair of wire cutters. They are a one use only type of thing. You will need new one when done. So grab the nut with the wire cutters and twist and turn the thing till you rip it off the rod.
